The Ancient Near East: Peoples and Empires Chapter 2
The Hebrews: “The Children of Israel” Hebrew Bible (Christian Old Testament) Descendants of Abraham Migration to Egypt Slaves of pharaohs Moses leads them out of Egypt (Exodus) 12 Tribes Troubles with the Philistines The emergence of the Israelites as a distinct group of peoples (c – c B.C.E.)
The United Kingdom Biblical Leaders Saul (c – 1000 B.C.E.) David (c – 970 B.C.E.) Solomon (c. 970 – 930 B.C.E.) Temple of Jerusalem Recent Challenges to the Biblical Account
The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah Kingdom of Israel 10 northern tribes Capital in Samaria Kingdom of Judah 2 southern tribes Capital in Jerusalem
The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah Assyrian Conquest of the Kingdom of Israel (722 B.C.E.) Chaldean Conquest of the Kingdom of Judah (586 B.C.E.) Jerusalem destroyed The Babylonian Captivity
The Spiritual Dimensions of Israel “I am the Lord your God” Yahweh (monotheism) “You only have I chosen”: Covenant and Law Covenant with Yahweh during the Exodus Law 10 Commandments Regulation of economic, social and political life of all Hebrews Prophets Yahweh’s voice to his people Universalism and social justice Separation between Jews and non-Jews
Social Structure of the Hebrews Social Patterns “Men of rank and influence”: elites “People of the land”: commoners Family Central social institution in Hebrew life Marriage and Women A perfect wife: Book of Proverbs Accounts of dependence Matchmaking Woman as the “crown of man”
The Neighbors of the Israelites Philistines Phoenicians Trade Colonies throughout the Mediterranean Carthage Transmitters of culture Alphabet
The Assyrian Empire Early history A Semitic people, vassals of foreign rulers Independence and kings Ashurbanipal (669 – 627 B.C.E.) Organization of the Empire Absolute kings Effective communication and administration
The Assyrian Empire The Assyrian military machine Large armies Discipline Iron weapons The use of various tactics Terror as an instrument of warfare
Assyrian Society and Culture Imported Prisoners of War: a polyglot society Language Religion Agriculture Trade Middlemen Hybrid Culture Guardians of Sumerian and Babylonian culture Art Relief sculptures
Neo-Babylonian Empire The Chaldeans Nebuchadnezzar II (605 – 562 B.C.E.) Babylon Hanging Gardens Conquest by the Persians in 539 B.C.E.
Persian Empire Cyrus the Great (559 – 530 B.C.E.) Conquered Kingdom of Lydia (c. 547 B.C.E.) Conquered Greek city-states Conquered Mesopotamia (539 B.C.E.) Cambyses (530 – 522 B.C.E.) Conquered Egypt Darius the Great (521 – 486 B.C.E.) Western expansion into India Ionian revolt in Asia Minor Invasion and defeat in Greece (490 B.C.E.)
Persian Empire Governing the Empire Satrapies and satraps: provincial administration Efficient communications Royal Road from Sardis to Susa The Great King The gap between king and subjects Military The 10,000 Immortals
Persian Religion Zoroastrianism Zoroaster (born in 660 B.C.E.) Message of monotheism Ahuramazda (the “Wise Lord”) Ahriman (Evil Spirit) Struggle between good and evil Last Judgment Acceptance by the Great Kings Development of ethical dualism
Discussion Questions Describe the political and social advances during the reigns of David and Solomon. How did they change Israel's society? What legacy did the ancient Hebrews leave to Western Civilization? How important is Moses for the Jewish faith? Why were the Assyrians so successful in subjugating their neighbors? What role did terror play in Assyrian military tactics? How were the Persians able to conquer and maintain their large empire? How did Cyrus earn a favorable reputation?