Trusting Jesus
Simply trusting ev’ry day, Trusting thro’ a stormy way; Even when my faith is small Trusting Jesus, that is all.
Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by; Trusting him what-e’er Be-fall, Trusting Jesus That is all.
Trusting him while life Shall last, Trusting him till Earth be past; Till within The jasper wall, Trusting Jesus that is all.
Trusting as the moments fly, Trusting as the days go by; Trusting him what-e’er Be-fall, Trusting Jesus That is all.
Norman Jenny Norman JessicaNathan Nathan Jr. Noah
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Lesson 4 - Submission
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Submission Subordination Implicit to subordination is to have no say. Implicit to submission is the individual’s choice.
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Submission is not……. over-the-top politeness. about the lowest common denominator. about keeping others in line. the perfected art of being a doormat.
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Submission means willingly choosing to let someone else lead. It is an act of choice made to prepare the believer for his own submission to God. Critical to the biblical discipline of submission is the maintaining of ones own “personhood”. God expects each of his children to use their gifts.
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all. — Martin Luther
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life The Seven Acts of Submission (Celebration of Discipline Richard Foster) Submission to the triune God. Acts 5:29 Submission to Scripture. II Timothy 3:17 Submission to our family. Philippians 2:4
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life The Seven Acts of Submission (Celebration of Discipline Richard Foster) Submission to our neighbors. Philippians 2:3 Submission to the body of Christ. Hebrews 13:17 Submission to the broken, the despised. James 1:27
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life The Seven Acts of Submission (Celebration of Discipline Richard Foster) Submission to the world. John 3:16
Basic Training Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life Let’s Practice! Start with the small things. Be aware of your voice tone and actions when in a group. Be aware of how you respond when you suffer an injustice. Learn and practice consensus.