ESHI project Enhanced school health initiative Bi-annual review meeting Arbaminch th February 2014
Piloting a comprehensive school health and nutrition programme 30 schools (Kokir Gedabano Lanfuro, kindo Koysha, Konso, Mareko) 30,670 pupils In 5 SNNPR zones Innovative approach integrating SF based on local procurement, WASH &deworming to Support Government SNH initatives
Project Partners Donor School feeding Water and sanitation Research and learning Government Implementing partner
Partners Response WASH De-worming Research Enhanced School Health Intervention (ESHI) HGSF Contributing to the evidence base on cost- effective and integrated School Health and Nutrition interventions Improving assess to cost-effective and sustainable water and sanitation services for primary school children Improving education, health and nutrition of school age children through provision of locally produced and cost effective school feeding programme Expanding the understanding of the associated costs and benefits of comprehensive SHN services – through the analysis of existing overlapping programmes of stakeholders Improving the general health of school children by reducing the intensity and prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections
About the project donors Dubai Cares “Education is the most effective tool to breaking the cycle of poverty” His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai A UAE-based philanthropic establishment, launched in September 2007 by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum to provide children with access to quality primary education in developing countries. Dubai Cares expresses the UAE's commitment to achieving, by 2015, the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UN MDG) 2 and 3 - namely, to guarantee universal primary education and to promote gender equality, respectively.
Approach to Education Our mission is realized by a two-pronged holistic and integrated approach that focuses on: 1. Increasing school enrollment and retention of children through integrated School Health & Nutrition programs 2. Supporting the drive for quality provision and learning outcomes through integrated Quality of Education & Learning programs Access Learning
Updates WASH De-worming Research Enhanced School Health Intervention (ESHI) HGSF WASH Baseline on facility needs and KAP study conducted in 20 schools Feasibility study &design specification developed Project implementing partner identified & engaged WASH facilities construction and renovation under way IEC/BCC materials developed & distributed to schools 53 persons trained in study, design, operation and mgt of WASH in schools WASH implementation plan developed for 11 schools Baseline in 30 pilot schools completed: 3700 children HB parasite, 449 HH, 597 child interview, 30 SF & de-worming surveys Additional observational study National mapping: 690 schools and : situation analysis of status of primary education and school health in SNNPR Support to HGSF coordination at the RBOE 1,091mt of commodities procured, transported and consumed 339 persons trained on CHILD/FHM Menu diversified and 2 new cooperatives identified Expansion to additional 23 schools HGSF Steering Committee and task force established Study visit to Brazil 22,258 children received preventive de-worming treatment 158,000 children tested during national mapping
Some research findings
Observational study : water availability Water present at the school during the time of the visit 9 Yes 1 No 1 Jerrican 7 Roto Tank 1 pond Average water capacity = 1100 L By the toilet 8 Next to the kitchen 6 Next to dining place 4 Total 18 Number and location of hand washing place Hand washing area closest to the refectory 6 Yes 4 No Water available at hand washing place? Distance from the refectory = 15 m (mean)
Observational study : toilet use Boys (279)Girls (280) Urinated or defecated outside the toilet 9.35%7.50% Washed hands after going to the toilet 48.39% (hand washing facility with water in 70% of the schools) 34.6% (hand washing facility with water in 60% of the schools) Used soap or ash while washing hands 12.19% (soap available in 20 % of the schools) 13.57% (soap available in 20 % of the schools)
Regional mapping
Mapping : preliminary findings Intestinal schistosomiasis Average prevalence across the entire region of SNNPR : 2.90%. Results of 635 schools entered
Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH) Average prevalence across the Region : 38.5%.
Updates in pictures
Updates in Pictures
Ongoing /Upcoming Activities Completion of water and sanitation SH facilities construction/renovation- April Regular hygiene promotion in schools Stakeholder capacity building WASH Dissemination national mapping Activities coordinated through the HGSF steering committee in SNNPR WASH Follow up survey Monitoring & Evaluation Costing
Cost-saving opportunities Costs Wash Deworm ing School feeding Integrated intervention