EQ 5: What are important locations and terms on A world map ?
Bell ringer: City planner Daniel Burnham designed Chicago on a grid system. 1. Why do you think Burnham chose to do that? 2. Do you think Chicago is an easy or difficult place to navigate (figure out how to get around)? Why? 3. Do you know which streets are 0, 0
Go over world map labels
Draw this diagram on blank paper Draw this diagram on blank paper. Put the slips of paper where you think they should go
On the map horizontal lines are lines of latitude and.... vertical lines are lines of longitude. The X axis is the equator and the Y axis which runs through Greenwich, England is the Prime Meridian. Equator Prime Meridian
NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, written as ___°N Any location north of the equator is in the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, written as ___°N (Hemi = half; sphere = globe)
Any location south of the equator is in the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, written as ___°S (Hemi = half; sphere = globe)
Any location west of the prime meridian is in the WESTERN HEMISPHERE, written as ____°W (Hemi = half; sphere = globe)
Any location east of the prime meridian is in the EASTERN HEMISPHERE, written as ____°E (Hemi = half; sphere = globe)
We can divide the Earth into quadrants: NE where all latitudes are NORTH and all longitudes are EAST. (quadrants quad = four)
We can divide the Earth into quadrants: SE where all latitudes are SOUTH and all longitudes are EAST. (quadrants quad = four)
We can divide the Earth into quadrants: SW where all latitudes are SOUTH and all longitudes are WEST. (quadrants quad = four)
We can divide the Earth into quadrants: NW where all latitudes are NORTH and all longitudes are WEST. EVERY point in the United States will have a NORTH latitude and a WEST longitude since we are in the NW quadrant.
With the person next to you answer the following questions: What continent is in the NE quadrant? What continent is in the SE quadrant? What continent is in the NW quadrant? What continent is in the SW quadrant? (Can you add any countries you know)?
LATITUDE: HORIZONTAL LINES run east and west 90°N Y-axis measures the distance North and South from the equator. Label the North Pole 90° N Label the South Pole 90° S And remember that the equator is 0° latitude. 90°S 0° What is the maximum possible latitude on Earth? 90° is maximum. You could be at 90°N or 90°S but there is no greater latitude on Earth (or anywhere else)
LONGITUDE: VERTICAL LINES: run north and south Measures the distance East and West from the prime meridian The prime meridian is 0° And if you go half way around the world you will reach the 180° longitude line. 180° 0° 180° Understand that there aren’t two 180° lines. On this FLAT map it just looks that way. It’s the SAME line. What is the maximum possible longitude on Earth? 180° longitude
SO PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! Here are some things to remember: Latitude is written first and must always include N (north) or S (south) of the equator. Longitude is written next and must always include E (east) or W (west) of the prime meridian. As with anything else you learn you will get better with practice......... SO PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!
In groups: latitude/longitude WS HW: Finish ws
BR: Read and annotate time zones worksheet. How many degrees longitude is each time zone? What are the 4 standard US time zones? Name a city in each and what time it would be if it is noon in Chicago (use map to help)
WORLD TIME ZONES Fig. 1-9: The world’s 24 standard time zones each represent about 15° of longitude. GMT is Universal Time. International Date Line (turn clock forward 24 hrs going WEST; turn back 24hrs going EAST)
Time zone practice If its 12:32 PM on Sunday in Chicago it is 3:32AM Monday in ____________ If its 8:32 PM Sunday in Cape Town it is __________ in Jakarta If it is noon on Sunday in San Paulo it is 6:00PM on Sunday in ________ If it is 9Am Sunday in Anchorage it is _______ in Hellinski If it is 8AM in Chicago-what time is it in Los Angeles, Paris, and Dubai?
Tokyo/Yakusk 1:32 AM Dar es salaam/ Moscow 8 PM Los Angeles: 6AM, Paris: 3PM, Dubai: 6PM
BINGO-draw a large box. Then draw 3 vertical lines and 3 horizontal lines in the box to make a grid. Put free in the middle box and then fill in with these words: Latitude, longitude, Atlantic Ocean, equator, prime meridian, 3PM, Israel, northern hemisphere, Indian Ocean, Europe, SW quadrant, Canada, Australia, 1PM, Asia, China, central
The box is in which country?
If it is 8:00AM in New York; what time is it in London?
Continent 25S 130E
The box is in which country?
0 degrees latitude
Brazil is in which quadrant
The box is in which ocean?
If it is 2pm in Tokyo what time is it in Sydney?
The northern half of the world
The box is in which ocean?
The united states standard time zone that Chicago is in
The box is in which continent?
The box is in which continent?
Bell ringer 9/15: use pink map What country is at each of these points? 30 N and 0 12 S and 75 W 23 N and 75 E
Answers: Algeria Peru India
Bell ringer: Use pink handout from yesterday If it is 8AM in Chicago-what time is it in Los Angeles, Paris, and Dubai? What place is at 75N and 45W? What place is at 23S and 135E?
Answers! Los Angeles: 6AM Paris: 3PM Dubai: 6PM Greenland Australia
What are the coordinates of location......A 60°N, 30°W 75°S, 75°E 15°S, 105°W Each box on this map is 15°. With that in mind how can we identify specific locations (red dots)? Remember, write latitude first! What are the coordinates of location......A What are the coordinates of location......B What are the coordinates of location......C But what about location D ? It’s in the middle of a box. What do we do now?
US Land Ordinance, 1785 US divided country into townships and ranges so that land could be divided up and sold to white settlers moving West A township is 6 square miles Principal Meridians – some of the north-south lines Base lines – some of the east-west lines
Townships are split into 36 square mile sections (1-36) Tiers are N/S of baselines Ranges are E/W of meridians Sections are divided into 4 quarter-sections (NW/NE/SW/SE) Survey maps have a scale of 1:24,000 (1 in = 24,000 in or 2,000 ft)
How to Read Township and Range: N ½ of NW ¼ of sec. 19, T44N, R8E R7E R8E T44N NW 24 NE 19 SW SE 25 30