Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with SEECEL From Project to Process Efka Heder, Director May 23, 2016 Bratislava, Slovakia
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with „Listen to entrepreneurs... policymakers should listen to what entrepreneurs have to say about their challenges.” Kauffman Foundation, October 2015
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with First institutional development from the EU SBA process in the area of Human Capital Development dimensions, in line with EU policies – lifelong entrepreneurial learning as a key competence Co-founders: Croatian Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts and Croatian Chamber of Economy Financial support: European Commission (IPA MB) and Croatian Government – Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts + SEECEL Member States 8 SEECEL Member States + Moldova joining with adding the WE pillar International Board SEECEL is:
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with SEECEL Member States Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Kosovo * the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Montenegro Serbia Turkey Moldova joining with adding the WE pillar **This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of independence
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe, Eurydice Report (2016) Entrepreneurship Competence: An Overview of Existing Concepts, Policies and Initiatives (2015) Draft 2015 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field ( ), (EC, 2015) Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success (2015) Thematic Working Group on Entrepreneurship Education: Final Report (2014) Entrepreneurship Education: A Guide for Educators (2013) Rethinking Education EU Strategy - Education and Training Monitor (2012) SEE 2020 Strategy EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR) WBIF Infrastructure Best practice in implementation of SBA SBA monitoring institution The European Entrepreneurship Education NETwork (EE-HUB.EU) SEECEL recognised as Centre of Excellence for EL
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Community of Practice SEECEL Strategic Pillars SBA TTA ISCED 5/6 ISCED 3 ISCED 1/2 TNA - QA EBPM & OMC
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Small Business Act for Europe SBA Policy Index Dimensions 1. Entrepreneurship education and training 2. Second chance 3. Rules for ‘Think Small First’ 4. Responsive public administration 5. SMEs and public procurement 6. Access to finance 7. SME opportunities & EU Single Market 8. Skills & innovation 9. SMEs and environmental concerns 10. SMEs in growth markets Human Capital Dimensions Women Entrepreneurs
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with 1st phase WETNAS SBA policy Indicators 2nd generation Training Modules ToT Good Practice Criteria Women Entrepreneurs Promotion of best policy practices in women’s entrepreneurship in line with the EU Small Business Act - SBA. Capacity building of national and regional women entrepreneur networks and associations. 2nd phase
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with 2nd Generation Policy support framework for WE 2.Institutional support for policy improvement 3.WE Good Practice – Learning from Others 4.WE Training 3rd Generation – Added value 2.New methodology 3.Three thematic blocks: Planning and Design Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation EU SBA WE Indicators peer 2 peer methodology applied
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with WETNAS – Women entrepreneurs training needs analysis system Supply What we think WE need Demand What WE really need WETNAS
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with CountrySample size 1.Albania201 2.Bosnia and Herzegovina136 3.Croatia282 4.Kosovo*202 5.Macedonia**209 6.Moldova206 7.Montenegro182 8.Serbia203 9.Turkey235 Total:1856 Number of SMEs in Sample by Country
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with WETNAS Results Leadership and motivation Maintaining a customer orientation Finances and controlling Needed Areas for Human Capital Development Information and communications technology (ICT) as a horizontal one. Training package: ‘’Empo ring briefcase’’
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Customer Centricity Enhancing Financial Literacy Increasing Competences in Leadership and Motivation Training modules
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with WE Training materials published on the SEECEL web
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Obligatory prerequisites: 1. Responsible entrepreneurship 2. No criminal record 3. Fair play in business operations 4. More than 50% of the company owned and managed 5. Social responsibility Good Practice Criteria (1)
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with General criteria: 1. Innovativeness and competitiveness 2. Contributing to job creation 3. Sustainability of the business and potential for growth 4. Promoting lifelong learning 5. Readiness to share their good practice with broader community Good Practice Criteria (2)
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Specific criteria: Good Practice Criteria (3) Good practices criteria Customer centricity Discover and attract your customer Branding and promotion strategy Customer satisfaction and loyalty Financial literacy Profitability Accessing, budgeting and managing finance Risk management Leadership and motivation Clearly defined mission and vision expressed through strategic and operational plan Strategic approach to Human Resource Development (HRD) and Lifelong Learning (LLL) Coaching, networking and knowledge sharing
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Based on the Good Practice Criteria - Inspiring stories 27 WE 3 min video 3 WE per country Learning – promotion tool
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with WE Training Needs Analysis WE Training Modules and Good Practice Criteria WE Training guide WE indicators Publications
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with...and most recent
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with ‘SEECEL Home’ A dream?
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with Or? Reality!
Financed bySupported byImplemented in cooperation with If you have knowledge, light a candle with it