Jessica Curtis Allison Devito Westerville Public Library
What is Customer Service? “ The degree of assistance and courtesy granted those who patronize a business.” -Entrepreneur Magazine
Why is Customer Service Important? Golden Rule. Word Spreads (the good and the bad). Happiness and job retention. Levies.
What To Do Smile and be friendly. No, really. Listen. Be patient. Watch their body language. And yours. Use positive language. Know your stuff.
What Not To Do Watch your tone: monotone, sighs, and tsk’s. Don’t match their tone (if they’re upset). Don’t interrupt. Bad body language: anger, impatience, contempt, etc. Negative Language: don’t, won’t, can’t…
Negative vs. Positive Language “You can’t check out because you have fines.” Vs. “You have a fine, but you can check out as soon as you get it down to X.” Or “That book isn’t available.” Vs. “That item is checked out, but would you like to put it on hold/request it through INNreach?”
On the Job Training Make it a part of the hiring process. Train on purpose for good Customer Service. Write down expectations. Role play. Correct and refine (but not in public). Empower your employees and set the limits.
Cultivate Patience Cultivate: To foster the growth of or to improve by labor, care, or study. Patience: The ability to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with problems or difficult people. -Merriam-Webster
Things to Remember It’s not personal. You don’t know what their day has been like. They will be gone soon. You are being paid to be nice, patient, and knowledgeable.
Your Body Language Do Make eye contact Smile Take items they hold out Pause other conversations and activities Don’t Cross your arms Roll your eyes Tap your fingers
There is No Age Limit in a Library Good customer service for all. Juveniles Adults Seniors
Jessica Curtis Westerville Public Library