3. The ‘MATERIAL EXCHANGE ‘ In this section you can look at or download files (documents, graphics, presentations, etc.) posted by other network members - or you can make your own files accessible. Only network members have access to these files.
How can I look at/ download files? Here you can change/ define the type of document you want to be displayed (text, table, graphics, presentation...) * Means that all files will be displayed Here you can change/ define the topic of the document you are looking for (legal aspects, countries....) * Means that all files are displayed Finally, you can define the age of the files that shall be displayed (ranging from 2 weeks to unlimited) Don‘t forget to press the ‘refresh‘ button after you have changed the settings! Here you have detailed information on the file, e.g. the person who has posted it, what kind of a file it, the topic, the size.
If you want to open the file, press the button with the symbol. You can write directly an to the network member who has posted the file. If you want to download it directly, go to the symbol and then press your right mouse button and select „Save target as“
How can I post files? Just like the other functions, it is very easy to post files on your own. Step 1: Press „New contribution“
Step 2: Select type of document (text, table, presentation..) and select topic of document (.....) Step 3: Give your document a name and a short description Step 4: Attach the document. Press „Browse“ and look for the file on your hard disk Select the file and press „open“ If you want to attach a second (or a third, or a fourth...) file, you have to repeat step 4 for each document.. (or you post a completely new contribution) Step 5: Send the attached document(s) You can make changes in your posted contributions later on: delete files, change topic... Whenever someone posts a new contribution, you will automatically receive a notification via – of course only a description and not the document(s)