UNEG Executive Coordinator’s Annual and Financial Report 2015/2016 UNEG AGM, Geneva 29 April 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

UNEG Executive Coordinator’s Annual and Financial Report 2015/2016 UNEG AGM, Geneva 29 April 2016

The Report contains: UNEG Work and Achievements in UNEG Member Changes, incl. UNEG Heads, Vice-Chairs and Executive Group Financial Report – Summary of UNEG Member Financial Contributions and Expenditures – Membership Fee Pilot

1. UNEG Work Highlights: 1. Four SOs’ implementation of the work plan 2.Int’l Year of Evaluation (2015) => A series of events to celebrate the year to promote/advocate evaluation, featuring the ‘Evaluation Torch,’ e.g.  High-level Panel Discussion to Promote EvalYear 2015, 21 Apr. 2015, Vienna  Consultation with East Asian Parliamentarians in Strengthening Evaluation Function in National Development Agendaa, Aug. 2015, Bangkok  Swiss Evaluation Society (SEVAL) Annual Conference 2015 and the Geneva Evaluation Network (GEN) Pre-Conference for the International Year of Evaluation 2015, 3-4 Sept. 2015, Geneva  Consultation with Latin American Parliamentarians in Strengthening Evaluation Function in Post Development Agenda, Sept. 2015, Panama City  National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) Conference, Oct. 2015, Bangkok  Global Evaluation Week, Nov. 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal

1. UNEG Work Highlights (cont’d): 3. Continued to promote knowledge sharing, management and communication  Increased use of social media (UNEG Twitter,* YouTube, blogs) to share info and knowledge.  8 Webinars organized through the UNEG platform => broader audience/ live discussions. Presentation material and recordings on UNEG website.  2 UNEG databases on evaluation reports and plans *Twitter: followers as of today

2. UNEG Head/Member Changes  Farewell Deborah Rugg (UN-OIOS) Margareta de Goy (UNIDO) Thierry Rajaobelina (from WIPO to UNRWA) Jorge Vigano (WTO)  Welcome Eddie Yee Woo Guo (UN-OIOS) Kym Taylor (UN Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Support) Javier Guarnizo (UNIDO) Tuncay Efendioglu (WIPO) Gelfiya Schienko (UNV) New Member Agencies – PAHO / Maria C. Kobbe – UNICRI / Itziar Arispe New “Observer” => “Member” UNITAR / Brook Boyer.

2. UNEG Vice-Chair Changes The election for 3 Vice-Chairs organized in Nov 2015 – Feb 2016 SO1Evaluation Functions – Indran Naidoo (UNDP)  Andrea Cook (UNFPA) SO2Use of Evaluation – Robert Stryk (UNRWA)  Oscar Garcia (IFAD) SO3System-Wide Initiatives – Helen Wedgwood (WFP)  Indran Naidoo (UNDP) SO4Partnerships – Colin Kirk (UNICEF).

3. Financial report 2015/2016 The section contains: – UNEG Account Balance Summary* Opening cash balance 2015 and 2016 Revenues and Expenditures – Overview of Financial Contributions Summary of Membership Fee contributions made in 2015 Results of a survey on members w/ partial or no fees Summary of all financial contributions, incl. earmarked – Expenditures by SO and activity area (2015 and 2016) *Based on ATLAS data ATLAS report data, as of March Figures reflecting the Jan-Dec fiscal period Est. resource balance incl. large earmarked contributions to be spent in coming years.

3. Financial report - Highlights: 1.The estimated resource balance USD$470, *Includes $315K of earmarked funds (from 2 contributions) to be used for gender-related activities (by 2016) and SO4 partnership related activities (to be spent by 2018), according to the Contribution Agreements. 1. ATLAS, March 2016, reflecting the FY Jan-Dec period. UNEG Account Balance Summary (USD) 2015 Opening Cash Balance371, Revenue collected479, Expenditures213, Opening Cash Balance629,530 Revenue collected in ,600 Actual expenditures in ,926 Expected expenditures in ,370 Estimated Resource Balance (as of March 2016)470,834*

3. Financial report-Highlights (cont’d): 2.More agencies are making financial contributions: The number of agencies w/ CAs increased from 11 (2013), 15 (2014) to 16 (2015), incl. new members. 1 3.Overall financial contributions made (incl. earmarked funds) doubled in 2015 (USD$ 433,452) from 2013 ($202,456). 2 4.Some agencies who paid full fees last year may not be able to pay the full amount this year more agencies who signed CAs in 2016 or the process in pipeline 2.Incl. two large contributions ($200K and $150k)

3. Financial report-Highlights (cont’d): 5. UNDP/IEO hosting of UNEG Secretariat: $291,931 (2015), including: Full-time UNEG Programme Specialist 20% P5 staff time as UNEG Exec Coordinator 5% P4 Operations Manager 5% P3 IT Specialist *UNEG Programme Assistant (consultant) covered by UNEG.

3. Financial report - Highlights 2015 Total Actual Costs 2016 Total Actual Costs 2016 Expected Costs based on Work Plan SO 139, , , , SO 213, , , ,698.2 SO 358, , , , SO 48, , , Secretariat93, , , , Total213, , , ,  Expenditures 1 1. P17 and Annex 4 for expenditure details

3. Financial report - Highlights (cont’d): 5. Membership Fee Pilot Plan (after 2015 AGM) Size of the Evaluation Units(including UNEG Heads, professional and supporting staff)* Suggested UNEG Membership Fee (USD) Agencies 15 or more staff members 20,000FAO, IFAD, OIOS, UNDP, UNICEF staff members15,000GEF, UN Women, WFP 5-9 staff members10,000 CTBTO, IAEA, ILO, OCHA, UNEP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNIDO, UNODC 3-4 staff members5,000 DESA, DGACM, DPI, DPKO/DFS, ECA, ECLAC, ESCAP, ITC, PBSO, UN- Habitat, UNRWA, UNV, WHO, WIPO 2 or less staff members 1,000 ECE, ESCWA, ICAO, IMO, IOM, OHCHR, OPCW, PAHO, UNAIDS, UNCDF, UNCTAD, UNICRI, WMO, WTO

3. Financial report - Highlights (cont’d):  Results: Agency payment distribution by tier, 2015 Size of the evaluation office (No. of staff / Suggested ‘membership fee’) Total no. of eligible organizations No. of organizations who contributed: Exact amount of the threshold Below the threshold No (“zero”) fees Tier 5 (15 or more / 20,000) 5311 Tier 4 (10-14 staff / 15,000) 32-1 Tier 3 (5-9 staff/ 10,000) Tier 2 (3-4 staff / 5,000) Tier 1 (2 or below / 1,000) Total4614 (30%)2 (4%)30 (65%) [1] [1] Including one agency that signed the Agreement, waiting for the funds transfer. [2] [2] One agency (UNRWA) submitted their “membership fee” as part of its earmarked funs. [3] [3] Including one recently joined member.

3. Financial report - Highlights (cont’d):  “Why no or partial fee payments?” Internal, admin/operational challenges (15 agencies), e.g. “Special approval needed from authority;” “No provision for paying fees;” “No appropriate inter-agency payment transfer mechanisms;” “Organizational restructuring;” “Technical delays/glitch in transfer;” Justification on use of funds needed;” etc. Communication (8 agencies), e.g. “Not aware of the pilot;” “Oversight” Limited office budget (7 agencies) “How to set the fee scales/rationale?” (3 agencies). *Some agencies reporting plans for making some kind of financial contributions in 2016 (10 agencies). *UN Agency-to-Agency General Management Support (GMS) has increased from 7 to 8%.

Moving Forward: EG Proposal on Membership Fee Pilot Reviewed the status of agency contributions Proposes that “UNEG continues with the current Membership Fee Pilot for at least two more years (i.e. for 2016 and 2017), and review the results at the AGM in 2018, with a view to making the decision of whether the Membership Fee plan should be instituted as part of UNEG operations or not. During such additional Pilot phase of , the Secretariat will: i) work with those who have operational difficulty to ensure the timely transfer of funds between the agencies and UNDP, and ii) send reminders to the member agencies who have not paid the fees. At the 2018 AGM, the Executive Coordinator’s Annual Financial Report will present detailed results of agency-specific practices (which agencies paid or did not pay the fees).” (25 Feb 2016, Message from UNEG Chair to UNEG Heads) *5 agency response

Thank you.