Investing in Infrastructure: Moving Massachusetts Forward Harvard 2015
2 Transportation is not important for what it is Roads and bridges, trains and tracks Transportation is important for what it does Gets people where they need to go and connects them to opportunity Shapes and supports the economy of communities and regions 6/18/2016
MassDOT and the MBTA’s mission Provide excellent service to our customers Maintain and modernize our transportation system assets Make investments to meet the needs of the Commonwealth, its cities and towns and its residents Plan and prioritize for the future in a way that ensures alignment of transportation policy and investment with the Commonwealth’s economic, quality of life and environmental aspirations 3
46/18/2016 A Word on Assets: The MBTA’s State of Good Repair Backlog
Moving from “projects” to “investments” Transportation investments need to be made steadily and regularly over time Massachusetts needs a diversified portfolio of transportation investments Diversified across geography Diversified across transportation modes Transportation investments need to be prioritized based on a new, broader definition of return on investment 5
A new approach to transportation investment Develop a comprehensive universe of potential transportation investments across modes (roads, bridges, transit, bicycle, pedestrian) and types (maintenance and preservation, safety, accessibility, capacity, new service/expansion) Prioritize potential investments using project selection criteria that explicitly consider a broad range of potential returns on investment Develop a balanced portfolio of investments, focusing on high return investments and the creation of a strategic and statewide investment portfolio Use a range of public, private and public/private models to procure and deliver the selected investments 6
Implementing the New Approach 7
PlanPlanning Horizon Financial Constraint? Statutorily Required Status MassDOT/MBTA CIP 5 yearsYes Underway PMT (Focus40)25 yearsFiscally Responsible YesUnderway Intermodal Plan25 yearsTBDNoConceptual Rail Plan25 yearsNoYesUnderway Bike Plan25 yearsNo Scoping Pedestrian Plan25 yearsNo Scoping Planning Efforts Underway
Coordinated Capital Planning 9 Capital Conversations CIP PMT Intermodal Plan Rail Plan Bike Plan Ped Plan
Capital Conversations: Building A More Robust Universe of Potential Investments
Project Selection Criteria
Long Range Planning: “Backcasting” from 2040
The Program for Mass Transportation Chapter 161 A requires the MBTA to develop a long-range transportation plan, the Program for Mass Transportation (PMT), every five years and to implement the priorities established in the PMT in the five-year Capital Investment Program (CIP). The last PMT was published in December The MBTA Fiscal and Management Control Board is also statutorily required to develop a 20-year capital plan. The PMT, which has been named Focus40, will serve as that plan. Traditionally, the PMT was financially unconstrained and focused on expansion projects. This iteration will be fiscally responsible and designed to address all of the MBTA’s needs (State of Good Repair, safety, systemwide accessibility, modernization/capacity and expansion). The PMT got underway this summer and will take approximately 15 months to complete. The first phase, a compilation of State of the System Reports (Bus, Rail, Rapid Transit) will be completed and released to the public this fall.
What was the Commonwealth like in 1990? 15 Climate Change Demographic Change Technological Change What?
What will the Commonwealth be like in the year 2040? 16 Climate Change Technological Change
What is this data? 17
This is what disruptive technology looks like 18
19 State of the System Where are we now? 1. How well is the MBTA service performing compared to our standards? 2. How is the condition of our assets impacting service performance? 2040 Context What will the future look like? 1.What trends will shape transportation in 2040? 2.What will public transportation need to look like in 2040 to address these trends? Focus40 What do we need? 1.To meet our service standards today 2.To address our SGR backlog 3.To provide the type and quantity of service we anticipate we will need in the future If we are being financially responsible and prioritize our needs, what investment strategies should we pursue? Focus40 Structure
People: An Aging Population
New ways of getting around 23
Four types of vehicles in the future Source: Barclays May 9, 2015 report on “Disruptive Mobility”
Four types of vehicles in the future Source: Barclays May 9, 2015 report on “Disruptive Mobility”
Questions and Discussion