Assistive Technology Interview Tara S. Burch EDU620 Meeting Individual Students needs with Technology Professor Chenee Gilbert February 16, 2015
Choice of Technology The choice of Technology that is currently being use at a Head Start location in Clarkston, Georgia according to Assistive Technology Specialist are Interactive whiteboards, desk top computers and I pad's with the app and programs from Dr. Seuss, Millie's play house and Kidspiration.
How is the Technology Implemented The technology is implemented through white board interaction, lab time and instructional learning. Large groups reinforce on the white board to introduce the skill that is being taught. Small groups reinforce in lab time and small group setting. The students can use either the I pad or a desk top computer in selecting the app from the skills in the large group setting.
How is this technology Funded? Technology is an ongoing expense. The budget for day-to-day technology expenses in the same way you do for postage, copying, and similar operational items. A good rule of thumb is that only 30% of your technology spending should go to hardware and software and a full 70% should go to training and support. The funding for technology is funded from Government funding. The funds are used to continue to help early learning education through technology.
What type of population is served? The program is a federally funded program that serves low-income children and their families. The Program provides critical developmental, education and health services to pregnant women, disadvantaged children from birth to five, and their families to improve their long-term school and employment prospects. The Programs include a strong social services and parent involvement focus. Parents are trained to work and interact effectively with their children, their families and within their community. The overall goal of Head Start/Early Head Start is to improve the school readiness of children and to move low-income families closer to self-sufficiency.
Who does it impact? All students in all culture. “Over a million children are served by Head Start programs every year, including children in every U.S. state and territory and in American Indian and Alaska Native communities” (Head Start, 2015). Every student can benefit from the Assistive Technology. “Whether in whole-class, individualized, small-group or peer-to-peer learning scenarios, the goal of the 21st century learning environment is to bring together data, resources, tools and expertise to positively impact teaching and learning” (Interactive Whiteboard, 2015).
AT incorporated into the Curriculum The goal is to improve fine-motor manipulation abilities and to increase time spent in developmentally appropriate activities to promote mastery of the pre-kindergarten readiness standards. “School readiness goals describe the intended purposes and expected results from quality teaching and learning. This includes meaningful and responsive relationships, experiences, and interactions” (Head Start, 2015).
Training are offered for Assistive Technology Each month there are parent meetings to keep the parents inform of new and updated information within the school. There are different trainings offer to the parent each month in the areas that were most suggested by parent surveys to keep parent involvement. The teachers have training for different technology that may occur to enhance to the 21 st century. Training for the teachers are offered as need on professional development days. “Training for AT device for interactive Whiteboard is a 3-day program is designed for educators who are experienced in working with Promethean instructional technology and have a passion for using technology to improve teaching and learning” (Professional Service, 2015).
How is the device maintained? The teacher have to contact the Assistive Technology specialist in placing work orders to help resolve the issue through the technology support team within the company. If there seem to continue to be an issues and the tech support team can not solve then the specialist have to contact the company that supply the interactive white board.
Reviews…….likes and dislikes. LikesDislikes Multi-touch interactive display creates opportunities for students to engage and solve problems together. It can a clutter in the classroom Interactive lesson delivery with learning beyond the classroom Have to much wires to make sure to keep out of students way. Accommodates all learning stylesTake time to pack up when its time to store away. Suitable for all agesThere were no parents dislike for this Technology. Students with special needs can use them Parents and Students like that there is computer’s access in every classroom to help with assistive technology.
Beneficial to Student Learning There is an assessment that is easy, most accurate way for teachers to assess student comprehension. Its unique, patent-pending design is much simpler and more intuitive for both the teacher and students. The teacher can create tests with custom or standardized content, and get results immediately or at a later time. Teachers set up a gradebook within the technology, it supports class lists. It supports the ability to import/export class lists from other vendors. It provides integrated attendance support. It let teachers import/export results. It lets the teachers immediately view graph results. It let the teachers manually edit results. It lets the teacher sort by class/student/test and supports student, subject, and test information.
References Head Start (2015) Retrieved from Interactive White Board (2015) Retrieved from Professional Service (2015) Retrieved from / /