TAIEX Multi-Beneficiary Workshop on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning Country presentation Albania Prepared by: Ejvis Gishti - NAVETQ Albina Buci - NAVETQ
Background information of ALBANIA Surface: km2 Population: (1,431,000 females) The median age: 35 years 64.7 % of population aged years is active in labour market The unemployment rate for persons aged years is 17.5 % The unemployment rate for persons aged years is 32.3 %. The employment rate is higher for persons with vocational upper secondary education compared to persons with general upper secondary education, respectively 61.5 % and 47.0 %. The unemployment rate for persons with general secondary education is 23.6 % or 6.1 percentage points higher than the national average.
Current status of VNFIL in Albania AQF Law, Article 6 within the Scope of the AQF implementation is: “certification of non-formal and informal learning outcomes, in cases when the latter is certified, including here recognition of prior learning” VET Law "Recognition of informal and non formal prior learning is the process through which competences a person obtained earlier in the informal and formal system, can be considered through an assessment leading to the award of a certificate of a formal qualification” Frame Methodology for implementing Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Mechanisms in Albania Methodology for developing occupational standards National Strategy for Employment and Skills The recognition of knowledge and skills acquired through work experience and/or voluntary activities is a valuable tool to encourage people to pursue lifelong learning and for optimising the training costs. The AQF Task force established (2015) will develop the handbook (RPL part of it)
Principles of RPL RPL processes are centered on individuals and their enrolment for RPL must be voluntary. The individual decides if and when is ready to be assessed for getting the certificate for skills and knowledge acquired through experience. The privacy of individuals should be respected. Stakeholders should be involved in establishing systems for validation. Systems should contain mechanisms for guidance and counseling of individuals. Systems should be underpinned by quality assurance Certificates and qualifications received as a result of successful assessment have national recognition. The professional competences of those who carry out assessments must be assured. Equal access and fair treatment should be guaranteed, in the same time inclusiveness and equal access to learning opportunities should be ensured
Main features of RPL RPL is referenced to the national standards (occupational standards, qualification descriptions, learning outcomes defined for each qualification etc.). RPL is based on assessment of individual’s knowledge, skills and competences. No decision for validating the non-formal or informal learning can be done unless the individual who required recognition is assessed and is found competent. The assessment processes are conducted by a competent assessor, a person who already has proved own competence for respective occupation and, in addition, is trained as assessor. The assessment processes take place in assessment centres, as main interlocutors for the individuals who search for RPL and it should provide them with information, guidance and counselling regarding the assessment and validation process, and for implementing a system of quality assurance, which will consolidate the confidence of the users and of the stakeholders that RPL is consistently implemented in accordance with the agreed principles and features.
Target groups Persons who used to work in little family business, developed skills and experience by practicing work activities but did not attend a relevant formal vocational programme. Returning migrants. They left the country without a formal qualification, or found work in other occupation then the one they were qualified. Redundant workers who were dismissed when a factory was closed for various reasons. They should have the chance to be assessed and redirected towards additional training for a related occupation with more employment opportunities. individuals who dropped out the formal education before achieving a qualification. After years of work experience, in the country or abroad, they must have been acquired knowledge and skills competences which might be assessed against an occupational standard and can form the basis for further learning finalised with a certificate.
VNFIL piloting process (supported by ILO - IPA 2010) Development of two occupational standards (in textile sector- Quality Controller and Production Supervisor). Capacity building of NAVETQ staff (7). Recruitment and training of the assessors (10) Preparation of assessment instruments and methods (competences). Preparing the candidates’ portfolio with relevant evidences. Accomplishment of assessment for 8 candidates - practical skills assessment is conducted in real working situation in the company work sites. The current situation of VNFIL in Albania
VNFIL in the future RPL will be: accessible, inclusive, facilitated through awareness raising; initial information system, advice and guidance and broadly accepted by the relevant stakeholders. Certification procedures, including recognition of prior learning mechanisms (RPL) are established to ensure the recognition and portability of skills. The priority is employability
Challenges The necessary legal framework to support the VNFIL procedures. Clear institutional arrangements to facilitate the implementations of VNIFL. The national authorities Ministries should act as guarantors of quality process, fair treatment of candidates, and impartial negotiators between all parties (employers, assessment centres etc) NAVETQ and NES share the responsibility for offering counseling and advice, and providing the mechanisms for quality assurance. NAVETQ keeping stock of qualifications and NES keeping evidence of the labour market data. Sector committees. Involvement of the representatives of employers organizations and trade unions in the design and implementation process, as agents of change in the process of shifting from traditional certification of formal learning to the recognition of knowledge and skills acquired through non-formal and informal learning. VNILIL procedures and mechanisms agreed and institutionalized. Human and financial recourses are needed. Capacity building on VNFIL.