Chapter 8 Section 1 Brazil
Map of Brazil Brazil is in what continent ?.
A) The Land Largest Country in South America (5 th in the world) Because it is so large it has many types of landforms.
This is what one area of Brazil looks like.
1) Rivers and Lowlands Amazon River is the world’s 2 nd longest river in the world. Almost 400 or 4000 miles long? Passes through a wide flat basin (vocab word) Most Amazon basin is covered with thick tropical forests (selva) Two other low land areas 1) Parana river 2) Sao Francisco River
Amazon River Lots of thick tropical forests surround the river. What vocab word is this called?
2) Highlands Mountainous climate has cool or cold temperatures year round. Covers more than half of the country. Brazilian Highlands -Largest highland area Covers much of east central Brazil.
The Brazilian Highlands This is what could happen to some of your grades after the S.A. map/vocab test. (Huge drop off)
3) The Climate Brazil’s climates are extremely varied. Tropical Rainforest climate in Amazon basin (Hot, Steamy and lots of rain) Brazil’s highland areas-Tropical Savanna Climate with wet and dry seasons. Southern part of country has a drier climate.
B) Economic Regions 3 most important are agriculture, mining, and forestry. There are 5 economic regions.
1) The North Rich in Mahogany, Teak and other woods Contains minerals and bauxite and iron ore. Brazil Gov’t encourages logging and mining. Increasing use of forest resources is destroying rainforests and wildlife.
Resources in the North 1) Mahogany wood 2) Bauxite 3) Iron Ore
2) The Northeast Farmers and Ranchers have cleared coastal rain forests. Sugarcane, Cotton, Cacao and Sisal (vocab word)
3) The Southeast Rich in mineral resources and fertile farmland. One of the largest iron ore deposits in the world. Have lots of coffee. Big industrial cities (Sao Paulo) is the trade and industrial center. (Rio de Janeiro) is a huge tourist spot.
Coffee has two purposes. 1) For old people to get them started in the morning (Mrs. Bisig) 2) To stay awake in classes. (Science class)
4) The South Huge herds of Cattle Brazilian beef exported all over the world. Yerba mate’- A tea like drink that is extremely popular in S.A.
5) West Central Region Very isolated and few people live in this region. Soil not fertile at all. Trying to find ways to increase farming in this region.
C) The People Of Brazil
People 177 million people live in Brazil. Brazil has a Portuguese culture rather than Spanish. Portuguese were first to colonize Brazil.
Portuguese were 1 st to colonize Brazil Do you want a subscription for Christmas?
1) Influence of the Past Native Americans were the first people to live in Brazil. In 1500’s the Portuguese took over Brazil. They forced Native Americans to work on sugar plantations and many died from disease. Brazil’s gov’t goes back and forth between dictatorship and democracy.
2) Government Brazil has a democratic republic gov’t. People from have to vote. (Do not have a choice like in the U.S.) More than a dozen political parties. Brazil’s president has more power of his country than the U.S. president has of his country.
3) Brazilians Today Most people live along the Atlantic Coast. Capital City is Brasilia (2 million) 76 percent of people live in cities. Rio de Janeiro is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
How low will your grade drop from this test?