A. Revolutions spread from Western Europe to Latin America in late 1700s Unhappy with 300 years of Spanish Rule Social & Ethnic Structures: ◦ Peninsulares = Spanish born dominated political and social life, only people to hold top jobs in government and churches ◦ Creoles = of European descent, born in Latin America owned the haciendas, ranches and mines Bitterly resented their “second-class” status ◦ Mestizos = people of European and Native American descent ◦ Mulattoes = people of African and European descent Both of the above groups were angry at being denied the status, wealth and power available to whites Native Americans suffered economically under the Spanish Africans were enslaved in the Caribbean & South America
French colony: very profitable in sugar. A French prize. - Worked by slaves from Africa - difficult work. Lots of it! Rebellion! Led by self educated slave Toussaint L’ Ouverture (1791) - Excellent at military tactics. Intelligent - leads a major slave revolt. - France, Spain and Britain send help to put down the rebellion. Why Spain and Britain? - by 1798 revolt is over. Slaves win. Slavery is abolished! However, Napoleon Bonaparte tries to take back the island. Captures Toussaint L’ Ouverture and imprisons him in France to die. But France surrenders in Haiti becomes the 1 st Republic in Latin America Slave revolts from this time normally ended in executions and failure – this story is the exception.
Slave Revolt frightens much of South America. However, in 1810, another revolt begins!
Priest. First to take up arms vs. Spanish Got people to revolt: Rally cry –El Grito Rings church bell. Org. 20,000 soldiers Attacks landlords. Executes on the spot. Returns land to peasants. Caught &exec. Independence day celebrated as
Independence not immediate. Took 11 years of hard fighting and events in Europe to achieve Independence. Ultimately Mexico achieves Independence in 1820 for real. But, this does not end the hardship for Mexico as we will see later.
Educated. Creole from Venezuela Leads rebellion against Spanish, who are busy fighting Napoleon back in Spain. Establishes a Republic in Venezuela. Exiled twice during revolution (to Haiti) Also with the help of Jose de’ San Martin, he helps to free Ecuador, Peru, and what is now known as Bolivia. Now known as the Great Liberator.
It has the land, resources and power Large exports of coffee and sugar Brazil is now more powerful than Portugal, so why be under it? Brazil breaks away after unrest in Portugal. Crown Prince Pedro “steals” Brazil from Portugal. In 1822! Power structure stays the same! See page 650 in text
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