1 Time Management Workshop
Aim o Identify highly effective strategies to your manage time o Understand your time thieves and their impact o Implement new strategies to prioritise workload o Introduce daily goal setting o Create a personal time management plan for yourselves and your teams
Perceptions of time Cube Exercise
Associated into the experience, absorbed even enjoying the moment Less likely to be aware of time passing Less likely to plan or stick to a plan Can become side-tracked very easily. E.g. someone happily following link after link, or google search return one after another; this kind of ‘internet entrapment’ can account for many an hour “In – time”
Disassociated with the experience Conscious of time passing Aware of the interaction of events Work to a plan Multi-task. e.g. tends to be planning the next thing before the current is finished – might miss out on the experience Through time
6 Find Your Peak Times
7 Understand what energises you
8 Write down a typical days tasks on your to-do list and categorise them into the headings below:- Routine. Creative. High concentration. High energy. Exercise - Analyse Your Tasks
Time Thieves” Understand your “Time Thieves”
Unclear goals. No decisions. Not knowing how to say NO. Lack of concentration. Meetings. Bad communication. Procrastinating. Interruptions. , social networks and instant messaging. Crisis. Time Thieves
Exercise Identify your personal time thieves
Important Not Important Urgent Not urgent Do now Urgent deadlines Planned work / activities Complaints Problem Solving Plan to do Scheduling Planning Thinking / creating Business development Reject and explain Other people’s issues Apparent emergencies Pointless tasks Resist and Cease Facebook Surfing the net Phone conversations Coffee / Smoking breaks Habit tasks
Whose problem is it? Learn to say NO....
Know your limits (video clip) and your current workload Encourage accountability and personal responsibility Clear reasoning for your decision Understand the other persons perspective Provide some alternative solutions to help Set boundaries Courage - people do accept a “no” when it is reasoned. Saying No
15 Material - Things, lending money, giving gifts Physical - Touching, noise, personal space Mental - Thoughts, being open minded, see others perspectives Emotional - Managing your feelings, separating others feelings What are boundaries?
Owned by you Clear Specific Reasonable Enforceable Setting Boundaries
Structure your working day
Organise your day in advance
Set Goals– Work SMARTER
All work and no play makes Gill a dull girl Reward yourself
Recap and Review Understand your perceptions of time When are your peak times in the day and what energises you Analyse your tasks - Routine. Creative. High concentration. High energy. - decide when is the best time to do them Understand and address your time thieves Prioritise tasks - urgent / non-urgent and important/ non important Saying no in the workplace - remember the impact of saying yes constantly - George’s exploding wallet Organise your day in advance Set SMARTER goals throughout the day REWARD yourself
22 Action Planning State 2 actions on your learning log that you will take away and implement from today