English Literature iGCSE SESSION ONE… GCSE
English Literature iGCSE: Component 1: MONDAY’S EXAM Poetry and prose – Two questions based on two texts: Poetry (‘Poems Deep and Dangerous,’ anthology.) Prose: ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.’ 50% Component 2 FRIDAY’S EXAM Drama – Two questions based on two drama texts: An Inspector Calls. Either Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice,’ Or ‘Henry V.’ 50%
Grade boundaries: Grade A To achieve a Grade A, a candidate will be able to: sustain a perceptive and convincing response with well-chosen detail of narrative and situation demonstrate clear critical/analytical understanding of the author’s intentions and the text’s deeper implications and the attitudes it displays make much well-selected reference to the text respond sensitively and in detail to the way language works in the text communicate a considered and reflective personal response to the text Grade C To achieve a Grade C, a candidate will be able to: make a reasonably sustained/extended response with detail of narrative and situation show understanding of the author’s intentions and some of the text’s deeper implications and the attitudes it displays show some thoroughness in use of the text for support make some response to the way language works in the text communicate an informed personal response to the text
Poetry Revision THE BASICS: You will be given TWO poetry questions– you choose to answer ONE You will have 45 minutes to answer the question It will be worth 25 marks (and is worth 25% of your Literature qualification!) Use S.M.I.L.E Grade boundaries form last year (out of 100 marks) 25 marks per Q/ text.
Poetry Revision – TERMINOLOGY QUIZ – TERMINOLOGY ANAGRAMS 1.zansta 2.lliattnionera 3.ymerh 4.tamhoper 5.nnoste 6.iilesm 7.eefr seerv 8.poeuclt 9.geryima 10.iiiooeannftrsp
Poetry Revision – TERMINOLOGY QUIZ – TERMINOLOGY ANAGRAMS 1.Stanza 2.Alliteration 3.Rhyme 4.Metaphor 5.sonnet 6.Simile 7.Free verse 8.Couplet 9.Imagery 10.Personification
Past papers – GET YOUR PLANNERS OUT! RAG each Q! November 2015 Sonnet – Rossetti ( I Wish I Could Remember) How does Rossetti vividly convey the speaker’s desire to revisit the past? Football after School - How does McCarthy strikingly imagine her son’s teenage years in Football after School ?
Past papers June 2015 Sonnet 18 – (Shall I compare thee..’ In what ways does Shakespeare’s writing make Shall I Compare Thee …? such a powerful love poem? Follower - How does Heaney make this memory of childhood in Follower so vivid for you?
Past papers March 2015 Poem for My Sister – How does Lochhead vividly convey her feelings about her sister in Poem for My Sister ? Sonnet In what ways does Shakespeare powerfully portray ideas about love in The Marriage of True Minds? (This was your mock exam!)
Hints for success: KNOWING THE POEMS WELL -What they are about -The central message of each one -Who the persona is and their viewpoint -The tone -Some of the poetic techniques employed -Central themes that apply to each poem Revision strategies: Re-reading poems, annotations and notes, flashcards, website link, discussing the poems with each other/poetry party?! STEP 1 Knowing the poem! Any that you don’t know! You have 2 days!!
Hints for success: Q: In what ways does Shakespeare powerfully portray ideas about love in The Marriage of True Minds? STEP 1 Knowing the poem! STEP 2 READ THE QUESTION and highlight key words!
2) STRUCTURING YOUR RESPONSE Use SMILE to help you structure an exam response. (Put ‘Meaning,’ first though – to act as an introductory paragraph.) S M I L E 1) STRUCTURING YOUR RESPONSE You may feel confident structuring your own response and reacting in the exam to the question. Plan a mindmap of your ideas, then work through these methodically in the exam. Remember: you still need to use PEELA in each poem to provide close analysis STEP 1 Knowing the poem! STEP 2 READ THE QUESTION and highlight key words! STEP 3 QUICK PLAN!
Sentence Starters: P: In the opening stanza, X demonstrates… T he persona explores… The use of X is employed here to show.. The poet’s use of …… language E: For example, ‘… This is shown in the line, ‘…. …as exemplified through, ‘… E: enjambment, caesura, anaphora, quatrain, sestet, stanza, persona, Petrarchan, Elizabethan, blank verse, volta, irregular, pathos Language analysis Zoom in: ‘In particular the word ‘….’ creates…. Offer evaluation: ‘This structure complements… Effect on the reader: ‘This creates a feeling of…. Comment on poet’s purpose: ‘The poet here is…’ Make a link: ‘This image is later supported by …. REMEMBER TO BE TENTATIVE: perhaps, possibly, this could mean, this might suggest… STEP 4 ANSWER THE Q!
How does Heaney convey the idea of tradition in ‘Follower?’ SAMPLE PARAGRAPH ON IMAGERY
Band 3 – B1 www – Good understanding, relevant quotations picked out, reference to effects Ebi – More close analysis of individual words / poetic techniques
Poetry Revision DIAGNOSIS RAG the poems John Clare, ‘First Love’ Matthew Arnold, ‘To Marguerite’ Elizabeth Jennings, ‘One Flesh’ Christina Rossetti, ‘Sonnet’ (‘I wish I could remember that first day’) William Shakespeare, ‘Shall I Compare Thee…?’ Elma Mitchell, ‘People Etcetera’ Simon Armitage, ‘In Our Tenth Year’ William Shakespeare, ‘The Marriage of True Minds’ Seamus Heaney, ‘Follower’ Michael Laskey, ‘Registers’ Chris Banks, ‘The Gift’ Liz Lochhead, ‘Laundrette’ Liz Lochhead, ‘Poem for My Sister’ Patricia McCarthy, ‘Football After School’ Which poem do you feel LEAST confident on? Now, watch the YOUTUBE revision clip for this.
YouTube Analysis of the Poems
First love
To Marguerite
One Flesh
Sonnet - Rossetti
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
People Etcetera
In Our Tenth Year
The Gift
Poem for my Sister
Football after School