WEEK OF 3.28.16. 3.28.16 Types of Sentences for Variation Exercises Adapted from Laying the Foundations.


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Presentation transcript:


Types of Sentences for Variation Exercises Adapted from Laying the Foundations

Sentence Types  A. GENERALIZE  Ex: All human beings have some faults.

Sentence Types  B. SUMMARIZE  Ex: All four of the stories mentioned in the article are about exceptional children who face challenges and overcome them.

Sentence Types  C. COMPARE  Ex: Orange juice is much sweeter than grapefruit juice.

Sentence Types  D. DIFFERENCES  Ex: The last book we read was too short and simple; this one is much longer and more detailed.

Sentence Types  E. CAUSE and EFFECT  Ex: If you bring only light clothing with you on your trip to the Antarctic, you will be very uncomfortable during your stay there.

Sentence Types  F. Give an OPINION  Ex: Hockey is the most exciting sport.

Sentence Types  G. DEFINE something  Ex: a sonnet is a very structured poem that has exactly fourteen lines.

Sentence Types  H. Describe a PROCEDURE  Ex: Grease the pan first, then knead the dough, place it in the pan, and let it rise in a warm place for at least an hour.

Sentence Types  I. Pose a PROBLEM and give its SOLUTION  Ex: I need to lose weight, so I think I’ll go on a diet.

Sentence Types  J. Construct a SIMILE  Ex: Joan has a face like a flower.

Sentence Types  K. Construct a METAPHOR  Ex: She’s a doll.

Sentence Types  L. Make a LIST or give EXAMPLES  Ex: The toy store carried beautiful handmade dolls, finely crafted train sets, games from all over the world, and huge stuffed animals.

Sentence Types  M. Construct a BRIDGE between one idea and another  Ex: My friend John was just finish his lunch as I arrived to pick him up for the basketball game. While he was wolfing down the last of his sandwich, I made conversation with his mother. Even though his mom was really nice, I was happy when John finally finished his meal and was ready to go.

3/28/16 College Athletes Sentence Pattern: G, A, C, L, K Answer the prompt using the above sentence pattern.

DUAL CREDIT Watch for sentence variation Do Nows! It is important that you understand that you can mix and match types of sentences in formal writing. You don’t have to ALWAYS use declarative sentences!!! Once you have finished your exercise, you may work on your topic proposal. Don’t forget the TP is due on 4/5, we will workshop on 4/4. Tomorrow and Thursday you will report to 7 th period. 7 th period will be a D.E.A.R. day in here, so please bring a book to read! Continue reading your Non-Fiction book!

AP LANG Please take our your Nearpod device. You have some MCQs and a quick review for a quiz on Wednesday! VNTXU When you are finished with the MCQs find something to work on QUIETLY why everyone else finishes up. The MCQs are due before you leave class today

AP LANG & DC Due to STAAR EOC – ENGL 1 testing our classes did not meet!

DO NOW AP Lang: Copy stems list for test on Friday 4/8. DC: Respond to the following infograph

DO NOW Response?

DUAL CREDIT Today, you may work on your topic proposal. Don’t forget the TP is due on 4/5, we will workshop on 4/4. Tomorrow you will report to 7 th period at 3:00PM. 7 th period will be a D.E.A.R. day in here, so please bring a book to read! Continue reading your Non-Fiction book! Don’t forget you have a stems quiz on Friday! (Quiz #73)






AP LANG Today, we need to take our JFK quiz. Then you will need to join me in Nearpod BYHMR. Please answer all of the questions to the best of your ability. All of your answers must be in complete sentences with textual support. You must cite the line number of the quotes/paraphrases that you use. Each answer will be at least three sentences long. This assignment is due on Friday

AP LANG & DUAL CREDIT EOC English II Test today – No class

DUAL CREDIT You have 10 minutes to study and then we are taking our Stems Quiz #73. When you finish your quiz you may read your NF book or work on your topic proposal. Please remember that your topic proposal is due for workshop on Monday! The final draft is due by 11:59 PM on blackboard Monday. You will need to bring a printed draft to class to turn in on Tuesday. Have a great weekend! Don’t stop pushing now! We are closing in on the end of the semester – only 6 weeks!

AP LANG - DO NOW Response?

AP LANG Take out your JFK SAR questions. These are due by the end of the period. Today’s assignment: complete a précis for the JFK Inaugural address. Read the two essays on Nearpod code: DCKEM Write a précis for each short essay. Write a thesis for an essay that compares and contrasts the styles of the three documents, focusing on how they convey the legacy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy