What happens to Your Thesis after Examination? David Howard: Manager Library Collections and Access. October 2010
Historical paper based Libraries…
Online electronic based facilitation to information…
Thesis Submission As of 2011 no paper theses will be held Electronic copies only Once received by Library 3 things occur: –Loaded into TRIM (All Theses) –Uploaded to Library Catalogue (All Theses) –Uploaded into Research Online (opt out available)
Preservation University Archives TRIM (Records Management System) The full electronic version will be uploaded into TRIM for ALL theses. This is the official archival copy and will be maintained by the University Records Office.
Local Online Access Electronic copies will be added to the Library Catalogue. This is ECU only access ADS password to access Example: – chscope=1&sortdropdown=- &SORT=DZ&extended=0&SUBMIT=Search&searchlimits=&searchorigarg=XThesis+edith+cowan+ university%26SORT%3DDZhttp://library.ecu.edu.au/search~S1/?searchtype=t&searcharg=Impairment+of+audit+quality+&sear chscope=1&sortdropdown=- &SORT=DZ&extended=0&SUBMIT=Search&searchlimits=&searchorigarg=XThesis+edith+cowan+ university%26SORT%3DDZ
Research Online Institutional Repository ( Online Access to the world Indexed by Google and other search engines. Large exposure of your research All theses will be added unless students opt out (via submission form) Issues (Copyright / Publishers / Agreements)
Copyright Need permission to use material online if you do not own Options: –Seek permissions –Remove materials for the online version and replace with a reference Main issues are graphics and images
Future Publication Some thesis types can impact on their ability to publish –creative works (novels etc) Most publishers do not see a thesis placed within an institutional repository as publication. But you need to check! –Examples Elsevier Australian Psychological Society
Commercial In-Confidence Issues If your research has contractual obligations (Commercial In-Confidence etc.) you may not be able to included. Check the terms of your agreements.
What the Library Needs A full electronic copy of your thesis on CD –Word or PDF –No security placed on the files –Create a single document (don’t break into chapters –Supporting materials (images / movies / spreadsheets) should also be provided. An altered copy for online repository access if removing copyright material. Submission form
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