About No!No! Hair Remover Watch video review of No!No! here: You’ve probably read NoNo reviews that sound more like sales pitches and wondered what the truth is. Is this product really as good as they say or is it like every other hair removal device that makes lofty claims but always falls short of expectations? The truth about NoNo is that it is one of the best hair removal products on the market today if you want to get rid of embarrassing hair with no pain and minimal expense. In fact, NoNo stands for “No hair, No pain”. NoNo hair removal works anywhere on your body—your legs, bikini area, your face, and anywhere else you have unwanted hair. Men and women both will find it effective and easy to use; it works well no matter what type of hair you have, from coarse dark hair to fine light hair. NoNo is not home laser hair removal but it works on the same principle. It removes hair using gentle heat and eventually kills the hair follicles. Here’s how NoNo works: a thermodynamic wire transmits heat to each individual hair that you feel as gentle warmth as you glide NoNo over your skin. It burns the hair but not your skin and eventually kills the hair follicle. There’s no pulling, scraping or tearing. There is no
messy soap or razors, no nicks, no razor burns, and no noise. The only complaint that some people have is the odor of burning hair which can be alleviated by burning some scented candles. There is no noise as with electric razors and no water needed. You will have to use NoNo 2-3 times a week for about 20 minutes a session for the first couple of months so you’re facing a small time investment. That’s how long it takes to kill the hair follicle so that you won’t have hair returning. However, when you think about the cost and pain of waxing or juggling your schedule for several expensive electrolysis appointments, the time you spend with NoNo is well worth it. After the initial couple of months you’ll be able to go weeks without being bothered by embarrassing body hair. If and when the hair grows back it will be thinner and lighter. Women will never have to be embarrassed about those hairs on their upper lips again and men can get rid of that “animal pelt” look on their backs and even their chests if they choose. Since NoNo is painless, there’s nowhere you won’t want to use it! Plus, unlike electrolysis, NoNo treats more than one hair at a time. NoNo hair removal is very easy. You just run it slowly across the area where the hair is. The blue light lets you know that you are doing it correctly but if you’re not guiding it properly you’ll see a red light. If that happens, just turn off NoNo then turn it back on and try again. It might take a few tries to get the motion right but once you do it’s very easy to use. When you’re done, use the Buffer on each treated section to exfoliate your skin and leave it smooth and soft. Then moisturize it with NoNo Smooth or another non-astringent cream of your choice. One reason that makes NoNo one of the best hair removal products on the market is that you can use it discreetly, anywhere you like. It comes in pink, silver and black, is small enough to fit in a purse or briefcase, and is rechargeable. Since it’s noiseless, no one will know that you’re using it whether you need a quick touchup in the company bathroom, at a party, or any other public place. NoNo hair removal works on anyone who needs hair removed. Even if you have a pacemaker, NoNo is safe because it doesn’t generate current or create any other type of electromagnetic disturbance. In fact, it’s about the same as turning on a lamp. You’ll also find, from experience or reading NoNo reviews, that NoNo hair removal system won’t cause tattoos to fade since it uses heat, not light.
NoNo hair removal system received the 2011 Product of the Year for the Consumer Survey of Product Information, a coveted honor that is given out sparingly. You’ll find from NoNo reviews and those that have used it that NoNo hair removal system is the ideal, convenient, and inexpensive way to finally be rid of embarrassing hair.NoNo reviews