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MAT Q2`13 | SUMMARY ASIA Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5% Back to the beginning Back to the beginning #Slowdown Although still growing, FMCG faces a slowdown in most countries #FromHyperToMini Hypermarkets have lost share in past two years in Taiwan, Thailand, Saudi, Malaysia, Korea where Minimarkets, CVS or e-commerce (Korea) gained ground #TopRecruiters Dairy categories (yogurts, milk, cheese), ice cream, RTD tea, cereals, deodorant and wet tissues expanding consumer base across Asia % Value Change FMCG – MAT Q vs. Year ago
ASIA IN 10 CLICKS Click on each country to display or hide Insights Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
By clicking on the country insights will display. Click again to hide. CHINA SOUTH KOREA PHILIPPINES TAIWAN #DownTrade Total FMCG market growth became lower as avg. price went down #StrongOnline Online market keeps growing with category expansion #UsageExpansion Baby wet tissue is gaining more buyers rapidly with larger basket, thanks to expanding usage of those without kids #Slowdown Despite MAT growth at 9.6%, FMCG slowdown is observed compare to Q1 with flat economic performance & CCI starting to take its toll #SureWinner Despite a slow market, entry into Costco is practically a sure ticket to success, with brands entering all performing strong #FreezeThyAge Anti-aging skincare remain a strong sector amongst a flat beauty market, with >35 y.o driving the performance #Reallocating FMCG moving at a slow pace despite strong economy as homes appear to be reallocating to non-necessities #StayHealthy Yoghurt growing the fastest as players become aggressive #Modernization Hyper-supermarkets continue to gain ground as key retailers continue to expand INDIA #Slowdown FMCG Value growth in Q2´13 reported 7.1%, the lowest quarter-on-quarter growth in the last 2 years #TopRetailer Sun-Art Group had seen yet another quarter of growth further extending its lead over the second largest group and reached 8.4% value share #DoubleDigitGrowthProvinces Henan, Anhui and Fujian delivered double digit growth and withstood the recent slowdown within FMCG SAUDI ARABIA #IFMCG slowdown Slowdown witnessed in the FMCG sector. Much more severe in Q2 2013, mainly driven by staples which is almost flat.. #TheGrowthEngine Lower SECs & rural also take a hit now #Modern Trade expansion 10,000 more outlets compared to 15 years ago. Store expansion in the small format and virtual store are expected. 7-Eleven is the leader in this movement #Drink Up Beverage is expanding driven by RTD Tea which recorded the largest penetration growth in FMCG through heavy promotions. #Slowdown FMCG value growth momentum in Q2’13 slowed down from 9.5% to 5.7% due to GDP growth cut down resulting in reduced number of categories per trip. #ImpactedCategory Dairy,Food and Personal Care are the sectors which got hit the most due to this slowdown #PriceImpact Drop in volume for Biscuits, Hair Removal and Disinfectants due to price increase Details per country: click here #CreateTheNeed Building product relevance to cater consumers' needs brings shopper back into mouth rinse! #RememberMe Shoppers needs to be reminded of the yummy peanut butter sandwich! #AlwaysOnTheGo? RTD Tea does play a part in the in-home community, not just on-the-go beverage. #FMCGSlowDown: FMCG growth continues to slow down in both Urban and Rural #ConvenienceOptions: Instant Coffee and Rice Soup are leading in terms of value growth and number of new buyers #HomeCleanHome: Bathroom Cleaner, Liquid Detergent and Floor Cleaner are expanding extremely fast INDONESIA #InflationDoubleHit Inflation accelerated to 5.9% in June as a hike in subsidized fuel prices and a seasonal increase in food prices during the Muslim fasting month #SegmentHeroes Beverages segment grows by two digits driven by RTD Tea, RTD Juice, and RTD Coffee #ChannelTrend Two biggest minimarket lead the other Key Accounts by reported 6.5% share in Total Trade Channel share VIETNAM THAILAND MALAYSIA
VN TW TH KSA PH MY KR Back to Summary Asia IN ID China Back Homepage Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN CHINA (by penetration points growth) %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Work unit/ Gift / Free sample Hypermarket Supermarket/ CVS GroceryWholesalerOthers Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration%
VN TW TH KSA PH MY KR IN CN Indonesia Back Homepage Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2.13 vs. YA TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN INDONESIA (by penetration points growth) %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL HypermarketSupermarketMinimarketTraditional TradeOthers Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia
VN TW TH KSA PH MY KR India Kirana/Paan-Beedi (Traditional) SupermarketsChemistNetwork MarketingOthers %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YAMAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN INDIA (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Back Homepage ID CN Back to Summary Asia
IN VN TW TH KSA PH MY ID CN South Korea South Korea Back Homepage HypermarketSupermarketInternet mallDoor to doorM&Ps Department Store Others %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YAMAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 TOP 10 FMCG BRANDS IN SOUTH KOREA (by consumer reach points) Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia
KR IN VN TW TH KSA PH ID CN Malaysia Back Homepage HypersSupers Grocery & PVS Direct SalesOthers %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YAMAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN MALAYSIA (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia
MY KR IN VN TW TH KSA ID CN Back Homepage Philippines Sari-sari Stores Modern TradeGroceriesMarket StallsDrug StoresOthers %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YAMAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN PHILIPPINES (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia
PH MY KR IN VN TW TH ID CN Back to Summary Asia Kingdom Saudi Arabia Kingdom Saudi Arabia Back Homepage Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 MAT Q2.13MAT Q1.13MAT Q2.12BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2.13 vs. YA TOP RECRUITERS IN KSA (by penetration points growth) %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Hyper/SuperBaqalaMini marketWholesalePharmacyOthers
KSA PH MY KR IN VN TW ID CN Thailand Back Homepage Grocery & Provision HypermarketCVSSupermarketDirect SalesOthers %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YAMAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN THAILAND (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia
TH KSA PH MY KR IN VN ID CN Taiwan Back Homepage HypermarketsNat. CoopCVSDrug StoresSupermarketsDirect SalesOthers %CHANGE FMCG BASKET PER SOCIAL ECONOMIC LEVEL Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YAMAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 TOP 10 FMCG RECRUITERS IN TAIWAN (by penetration point growth) Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia
TH KSA PH MY KR IN TW ID CN Vietnam Back Homepage Street ShopsWet MarketModern TradeSpecialtyDirect SalesOthers BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA URBAN 4 CITIES BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA RURAL Note: Data excluding gift Note: Data Urban 4 cities MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN VIETNAM (by penetration points growth) Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% Back to Summary Asia
A consumer panel is a permanent, syndicated and representative sample of consumers, who provide ongoing details of the fast moving consumer goods they purchase. Using the scanning or diary methodology, each panel member records the details of every item they purchase. Sample sizes in number of households: China: 40,000; India: 70,000; Indonesia 7,000; South Korea: 3,000; Malaysia: 2,500; Philippines: 3,000; Saudi Arabia: 2,000; Taiwan: 2,500; Thailand: 4,000; Vietnam: 2,350 Urban and 1,200 Rural. Category, Channel, Average Basket Size Trends and Channel Shares are all calculated/reported on value basis, with the value unit USD is used. SOURCES AND METHODOLOGY
ASIA | KEY INDICATORS 2013 Sources: IMF, National Bureau of Statistics of China, Trading economics, India Ministry of statistics & Programme Implementation, Central Statistic Bureau Indonesia, Bank of Korea,, Department of Statistics Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, National Statistical Coordination Board, NESDB, Bank of Thailand, General Statistics Office of Vietnam, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, Taiwan Department of Statistics,
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Q | SUMMARY LATAM #ConsumptionRecovery After a difficult first quarter, a more positive Q2 for FMCG, except for Bolivia, Mexico and Peru #HomeSweetHome Home Care basket is the one with best performance in the region #LatamGrowsLessButStable Latam growth projection lowered to 3%¹ in July vs. the 3.5% reported in April. USA continues to recover and Europe is still struggling. (1) Source: IMF – July 2013 (1) In some countries this basket is not measured separately from food and beverage, it was built for CI LatAm. (2) Volume Variations calculated in units Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5% Back to the beginning Back to the beginning % Value Change FMCG – MAT Q vs. Year ago
LATAM IN 10 CLIKS Click on each country to display or hide Insights Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
CHILE ARGENTINA BRAZIL BOLIVIA PERU ECUADOR VENEZUELA COLOMBIA MÉXICO CAM BOLIVIA #MediumSEL increase growth in value #GotMilk? Powdered Milk Consumption is strengthened #ModernStrengthens Modern Trades are the largest growing ARGENTINA #Positive1stSemesterForFMCGbasket Vol. var. +2,6%, which all NSE increased its consumption #TrendOfMoreSpaced&LargerPurchasesRemains All baskets contribute to growth, except beverages #TipsForProximityMarkets Payment facilities and similar expenditure to supermarkets. The focus will be to increase the frequency BRAZIL #PositiveProtests Brazilians are optimistic about the protests that happened in the country #LowerLevelsMorePremium Lower SEL directs consumption to non- basic products #TradesTakingUpPositions Multichannel and Cross Channel Shopper mixing physical and virtual stores With 1 click on the country you open the most significant insights, with another click you close them COLOMBIA #PersonalBasket Personal Care basket gets all the expenditure! More consumption results in a more spaced repurchase of Foods and Beverages baskets #AtlanticRegion Households stop consuming the basic basket spending more on added value categories #AmoreCriticalShopper Households are not very happy with the new format of Cencosud and migrate to Éxito, Minimarkets and Independent VENEZUELA # MacroScenario Inflation and shortages reached levels never seen before - 6.1% and 21.3%, respectively #CurrencyDevaluation brought changes in shopping habits of households. During the first half consumers stopped purchasing, on average, 57 units CHILE #ModernTrade Wal-Mart stops growing, especially in the Dairy basket #PrivateLabels continue to grow but at a slower pace, in fact, they shrink their importance in Home Care #EfficientPurchases does not stop, shopping trips fall by 4.4% but the ticket grows by 3.6% PERU #SlowConsumptionLevel Generated by a lower household purchase occasion #LookingGood Personal care basket with the best performance in Q2'13 #ModernTrade increasing the base of buying households ECUADOR #HouseholdsPayMore Market growth as households increasingly visit the POS and pay more for the same amount of units #SophisticatedProductsDevelopment Pasta, especially instant ones, drive growth of Average Consumption & Expenditure #ModernTradeDevelopmentContinues Supermarkets drive development, there are fewer households buying in stores and Self Services CENTROAMÉRICA #T.FMCGkeepsGrowing at a slower rate versus the previous year, Guatemala and Panama are the countries with the highest growth #2GrowignBaskets Beverages & Dairy Products grow in this period. Personal Care categories contract, but with short-term recovery #Modern&TraditionalinTheSameRhythm Costa Rica & Nicaragua grows the importance of Modern Trade, while in other countries Traditional grows MÉXICO #EconomicGrowth lower than expected #HomeSweetHome Home Care - basket most affected by inflation # SpendLess Households decrease their expenditure on Traditional Trade
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BOL BRA ARG MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 ModernTraditionalD2DOthers BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN ARGENTINA (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0% < Crecimiento < 5% * Basket specially built for CI LatAm; Brazil typically measures Dairy within Foods and Beverages ModernTraditionalD2DOthers BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN BRAZIL (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0 * Basket specially built for CI LatAm; Brazil typically measures Dairy within Foods and Beverages ModernTraditionalD2DOthers BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN BOLIVIA (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5% ModernTraditionalD2DOthers Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN CAM (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0% ModernTraditionalD2DOthers Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN CHILE (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5% * Basket specially built for CI LatAm; Brazil typically measures Dairy within Foods and Beverages ModernTraditionalD2DOthers BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN COLOMBIA (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0% ModernTraditionalD2DOthers Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BASKET TRENDS – %Value Change MAT Q2´13 vs. YA Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN ECUADOR (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG BASKET TRENDS - VAL Q2.13 vs. Q2.12MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0% ModernTraditionalD2DOthers Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN MEXICO (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BASKET TRENDS - VAL Q2.13 vs. Q2.12MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5% * Basket specially built for CI LatAm; Brazil typically measures Dairy within Foods and Beverages ModernTraditionalD2DOthers Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN PERU (by penetration points growth)
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG BASKET TRENDS - VAL Q2.13 vs. Q2.12MAT Q2.13MAT Q2.12MAT Q2.11 SEL – VOL VARIATIONS Growth ≤ -0,5%-0,5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5%0% ModernTraditionalD2DOthers Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam Source: MAT Q213 vs YA Category Penetration% TOP 10 RECRUITERS IN VENEZUELA (by penetration points growth)
Q | KEY INDICATORS (1) Source: IMF (2) Source: IPC Congreso (3) Source: INDEC ARG (1) Source: IBGE (2) Source: IPC-A BRA (1) Source: Banco Central de Bolivia (2) Source: Ministerio de Trabajo BOL (1) Source: IMF (2) Source: Banco Central de cada país (3) Source: Instituto de estadísticas de cada país (average of the 6 countries) CAM (1) Source: Banco Central Chile (2) Source: INE CHI Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
Q | KEY INDICATORS (1) Source: Banco de la Republica (2) Source: DANE Colombia COL (1) Source: Banco Central del Ecuador ECU (1) Source: INEGI MEX (1) Source: BCR (2) Source: IMF PER (1) Source: Banco Central de Venezuela (2) Source: INE VEN Back to the beginning Back to the beginning