Brownfield vs Greenfield
Brownfield Brownfield land is classed as land that has previously been developed on e.g. industrial or residential land use. It is more likely to contain services such as sewerage and water and be accessible via roads The vacant land can be a blight on the landscape but can also be land that sees a change of use e.g. tennis court into housing
Jordanhill Cala Homes Land was formerly old college buildings The site was unusual due to its topography. Existing water and sewage pipes on the site had to be redirected.
Old mine workings had to be filled in prior to construction The design of the houses had to reflect the problems of the site
Greenfield Site M77
Greenfield This is land that has not been developed on before – generally it is agricultural land/forestry Planning permission is more difficult to get on this type of land as local people may object to developments (NIMBY) Part of the M77 was built on greenfield land and some was built on green belt lips/greenfield-sites-development-pt- 1-2/1513.html lips/greenfield-sites-development-pt- 1-2/1513.html lips/greenfield-sites-development-pt- 1-2/1513.html
Greenbelt This land is generally protected from development and is found around all towns and cities in the UK. However, there are some developments that are considered essential that can be built on greenbelt land Not all greenbelt land is attractive and much of it is privately owned lips/introducing-britains-green-belts- and-national-parks/7406.html lips/introducing-britains-green-belts- and-national-parks/7406.html lips/introducing-britains-green-belts- and-national-parks/7406.html
Flenders Farm, Clarkston
Flenders Farm in Clarkston was purchased by housing company MacTaggart and Mickel in the 1960s The land is greenbelt and they have yet to be given permission to build on it. In the meantime the farm has become neglected as it is rented back from the developers.
Green Belt Site – Hermitage Academy
Some developments are necessary on Green Belt because there is no other appropriate location Where this happens more land is designated as Green Belt – this, in theory, keeps the size of the green belt the same. Development on the outskirts of town can affect the high streets in town e.g. Waitrose, Helensburgh
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