Against all odds: Delivering harm free care with less resource. Simon Pleydell Chief Executive South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Who we are 2 Acute Hospitals 6 Community Hospitals
The people we serve 139,000 Carter Bequest Hospital Redcar Primary Care Hospital 136, ,000 East Cleveland Primary Care Hospital The Lambert Memorial Hospital, Thirsk Guisborough Primary Care Hospital East Cleveland Primary Care Hospital Guisborough Primary Care Hospital Carter Bequest Hospital Redcar Primary Care Hospital 140, ,000 The Friary Community Hospital, Richmond The Lambert Memorial Hospital, Thirsk 139,000 The James Cook University Hospital
Service population
Our Mission: To provide quality safe and integrated, secondary and community healthcare services. Our Vision: To set the national standard for excellence in patient safety, quality and continuous improvement.
Core values We want to succeed in delivering the best possible care to the patients we serve We put the needs of patients at the centre of everything we do We continuously seek to improve the service we deliver to patients Staff will support, respect and value each other
Clinical Division How we work Divisional Manager Clinical Directorate Clinical Directorate Clinical Directorate Clinical Directorate Clinical Directorate CD Chief of Service Senior Nurse CD Supported by: Organisational Development – 4 OD Practitioners Corporate Practice Development – 2 Practitioners Time to Care Team – 2 Practitioners
Our history Working on quality for 20 years (EFQM, corporate process redesign) Launched the safety story 2007 Engagement rather than compliance Growing skills and ownership
DVD : Delivering Harm Free Care at South Tees
My key issues Bringing together safety and improvement activities Pace, Spread and Sustainability Are we investing enough; Skills AND Leadership Need to test approach against others and learn