Module 1 City Carrier Responsibilities
Objectives Define city carrier responsibilities Demonstrate safe lifting techniques Describe the JSA process Apply Joint Statement on Violence and Behavior in the Workplace guidelines to workplace behavior Identify carrier equipment, post office layout, and various postal positions 2
City Carrier Responsibilities Vital role Postal operation One of the most visible postal employees Handbook M-41, City Delivery Carriers Duties and Responsibilities 3
Providing Efficient Service Unlawful to obstruct or delay the mail Observe courtesy when interacting with the public Do not engage in controversies on duty Furnish information and postal forms 4
Be Diligent and Prompt Obey local manager instructions Report to work promptly as scheduled and complete time records to accurately Be prompt, courteous, and display a willing attitude Refrain from loud talking and profane language Do not engage in any time wasting practices Do not loiter or stop to converse unnecessarily Return to unit when street duties complete 5
Maintain Security of the Mail Protect all mail, money and equipment entrusted to your care Place mail in approved locations 6
Revenue Protection and Generation Reduce financial losses Promote benefits of postal products and services Revenue protection is vital to organization’s success 7
Apply Safe Work Practices Employee responsibility to work safely Learn and use all safety rules and procedures Submit suggestions to improve safety to supervisor 8
Safe Lifting Plan your lift, test the load: Ask for help if load is heavy or awkward Keep feet apart and point toes out Bend at knees (not waist) Tighten stomach muscles to support spine Lift with legs and allow muscles to do lifting Keep load close to spine to exert less force on back Keep back upright and avoid twisting 9
Job Safety Analysis A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a procedure used to analyze a specific task Eliminate accidents by identifying hazards and recommend safe work practices Employees are encouraged to offer input through local safety and health committees 10
JSA Elevating Mail 11
Carrier Appearance Maintain neat and clean appearance Conduct personal life to reflect well on Postal Service Wear approved postal uniform and correct footwear Consult OJI or supervisor for info on uniforms and vendors 12
Safe Driving Practices Qualified on vehicle assigned Valid state driver’s license Obey all driving laws Advise supervisor of suspension or revocation of state license 13
Report Hazards & Unsafe Conditions Report unsafe condition or unsafe act to supervisor immediately PS Form 1767, Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition, or Practice May file PS Form 1767 directly to safety personnel 14
Joint Statement on Violence and Behavior in the Workplace What steps can each employee can take to ensure that their behavior in the workplace follows the guidelines discussed ? 15
Carrier Equipment Variety of equipment used to perform duties 16
Post Office Layout Post Office Box Window Mail processing Registry Carrier 17
Emergency Action Plan OSHA requires every facility to have an EAP Program includes: Training and education Inspection and enforcement Drills Emergency evacuation teams Written emergency action plans and SOPs for hazardous spills and leaks Fire prevention plans 18
EAP Responsibility and Outline Local management develops and implements EAP Follow instructions in an emergency These may include: Anthrax/Biological Fire Flood HAZWOPER (Hazardous Material and Spills) Earthquake 19 Tornado Bomb Threat Nuclear/Terrorist Event Hurricane Mudslide Tsunami
Carrier Positions Positions within the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) bargaining unit include full-time regular carriers, part-time regular carriers, carrier technicians, part-time flexible carriers, and city carrier assistants 20
Postal Positions City carriers deliver and collect mail on foot or by vehicle Carrier technicians serve a designated group of routes on the regularly assigned carrier’s non-scheduled workdays and may provide job instruction to newly assigned carriers 21
Other Postal Positions Mail handlers load, unload, and move mail Clerks may perform a variety of sales and customer support services Rural carriers case, deliver, and collect mail along a rural route 22
Postal Positions Custodians perform duties in an office or building A Customer Service Supervisor oversees delivery, collection, distribution of mail, and window service Postmasters manage the operation of a post office 23
Postal Positions Manager, Customer Services directs, with the assistance of supervisors in activities of a station or branch Manager, Post Office Operations oversees all operations of a designated group of post offices 24
Review 1. What are the standard rules for carriers that are discussed in module one ? 2. What are some things that you can do as a carrier to ensure security of the mail ? 3. Give four examples of equipment used by city carriers. 4. What is a Job Safety Analysis ? 25 Providing efficient service, Being diligent and prompt, Maintaining security of the mail, Applying safe work practices, Carrier, appearance, Being courteous and professional, Operating vehicle properly Protect all mail, money and equipment entrusted to your care, and return all mail, money, and equipment to the post office at the end of the workday, Do not place mail in your pockets or clothing, lockers or desks, or in parcels, hand grips, lunch containers or other luggage Postal vehicle, carrier case, hampers, satchel On-the-job procedure to analyze a specific task that includes recommended actions to prevent accidents or eliminate hazards
Summary 26 In this module, we: Defined city carrier responsibilities Demonstrated safe lifting techniques Described the JSA process Applied Joint Statement on Violence and Behavior in the Workplace guidelines to workplace behavior Identified carrier equipment, post office layout, and various postal positions