Contents: -GSI organization structures -Tasks of GSI (accelerator) -Status of evaluations / technical developments -Overview -Note : (only) accelerator aspects covered Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI MAC, , H. Eickhoff
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI Tasks of GSI (accelerator related) upgrade program of existing facility (UNILAC SIS18) For all new FAIR acc.-systems: System design, definition of Ion optical layout (IOL) definition of the technical parameters (parameter-lists) Creation of specifications Hand-over of accelerator requirements and interfaces to architects, planners (FAIR-S&B)
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI
WP-StrukturGSI-Organigramm –Abt. 1)Beschleuniger-Abschnitte SIS100, HEBTSynchrotrons CR, Pbar-Separator, (HESR)Speicherringe p-LinacInjektoren Super-FragmentseparatorFRS (Forsch.-Ber, ‚Kernstruktur) 1)Beschleuniger-Techniksysteme Magnete, Cryogenics, VermessungMagnet-Technologie Power converters, EnergieanbindungElektrische Enrgieversorgung RF-SystemsHF-Systeme Inj./ Extr.(Synchrotrons) Beam DiagnosticsStrahl-Diagnose VacuumVakuum-Systeme Particle sourcesIonenquellen Electron cooling, stoch. Cooling(Speicherringe) 1)Übergeordnete WPs System designBeschl.-Theorie + andere Abt. ‚special installations(mehrere Abt.) Common systemsBeschl.-Elektr,, Magnettechn., Elektr.. Energievers.
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI Essential GSI-related contracts a)Business management contract (BMC) b)Distribution of work and responsibilities between GSI and FAIR c)Contract of technical design and supervision (HOAI) d)Rules of procedure (several) e)German Inkind contracts
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI Status a)Cost book updated, components defined (for MSV) b)Structure and number of Specs (pre) defined c)System design / Ion optical layout defined d)German Inkind systems (pre-) defined e)User requirements for buildings (pre-) defined
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI
UNILAC - Increase of pulse intensities for (low-charged) heavy-ions - Increase of beam brilliance - Increase of transported beam currents - Improvements of high current beam diagn. /oper. SIS18 - Increase of pulse intensities mainly for low-charged U-ions - Increase of injection acceptance - Improvement of lifetime for low-charged U-ions - Increase of beam-intensity per time due to reduction of SIS18 cycle time (increase of acceleration ramp). Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI (existing facility)
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI exist. facility: UNILAC
factor 70 Increase of low-charged heavy ions intensity injectionextraction Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI exist. facility: SIS
Superconducting 28 GHz-ECR-source (increase of beam intensities) Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI exist. facility: UNILAC (2)
service /exchange of mech. /electr. components (vacuum comp., magnets, power supplies) develop. of new subsystems (state of the art), eg. RF- amplifiers estimated additional investments: 6-7 M€ (high priority) Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI exist. facility: availability
Accelerator Developments for FAIR Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI developments for FAIR
SC Magnet Test Facility at Work
Long-Term Test of SIS100 Prototype in Progress (straight dipole, BNN)
Super-FRS Dipole Prototypes Dipole half-yoke at IMP Superferric dipoles by FAIR China Group China/GSI funded - yoke ready - coil reads - cryostat under production - tests started
Super-FRS Dipole Ready for SAT
Prototype Stoch. Cooling tank with PU movers Move PU and kicker electrodes at 5 sec cycle time in CR Mechanics for Stoch. Cooling PU and Kickers
Proton-Linac Teststand under Construction TOSHIBA Klystron 3740A/GSI peak rf-power 3.0 MW no R&D related cost & risks first device ordered delivered in March 2008 Low power prototype structure by Uni Frankfurt tested High Power Klystron delivered
D. Krämer - Status of the FAIR Project23 The Source of Saclay The RFQ of Frankfurt The coupled CH structure (model) of IAP Frankfurt The Proton-Linac – A German-French Consortium
Bunch compressor (MA) cavity in SIS18 New Bunch Compressor in SIS18 installed
Standardized Interface for Power Converters.. and many other developments * control system * beam instrumentation * construction *
Beam Induced Fluorescence for high Current Beams new profile-monitor for high current application at the UNILAC (4 systems installed)
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI specifications System of specifications: number of docuents -General specs 1 -Common specs Detail specs Technical guidelines200 -Technical parameter lists -Assumed schedule -Until Feb. 2011general specs, technical guidelines finished -80% of common specs finished - parameters of Technical parameterlist checked -Until July remaining common specs finished -detail specs finished
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI Outlook / essential tasks (organizational aspects) - Signatures of project application documents, assure of finances to start call for tenders -Solution of all aspects related to personnel (hire new personnel, training of existing personnel, definition of tasks for realisation phase,..) -Explicit definition of inkind-partners concerning systems to be delivered and the according boundary conditions, e.g. schedule (with IKB)
Status and Organization of the FAIR work at GSI Outlook / essential tasks (technical aspects) -Completion of specs and inkind-contracts -Solution of open technical questions -Definition of overall schedule (definition and confirmation of suppliers necessary). -Definition of solutions for special QA-strategies (e.g. test of sc-magnets) -Definition of GSI-internal infrastructures (test-stands, area to store components,..) -Definition of building aspects (including connections between GSI and new FAIR-facilities)
Thank you for your attention