Tsunami: 10 years on
The Boxing Day Tsunami 10 years on Task: This year’s boxing day marked the 10 year anniversary of one of the most destructive natural disasters in history. Your task is to research how the lasting impression and legacy that the disaster has left. You MUST take notes.
Videos boxing-dayhttp:// boxing-day survivor-story-videohttp:// survivor-story-video devastation-and-rebuilding-10-years-on/story-fnknbqfy ?nk=14ea877bb26caace1937dc84deb1234ehttp:// devastation-and-rebuilding-10-years-on/story-fnknbqfy ?nk=14ea877bb26caace1937dc84deb1234e
Type “Boxing Day Tsunami 10 year” into google and you can check any sites but the ones below may be interesting. tsunami-scar-aceh-village-nusa-indonesiahttp:// tsunami-scar-aceh-village-nusa-indonesia development/gallery/2014/dec/25/aceh-10-years-after-boxing-day- tsunami-in-pictureshttp:// development/gallery/2014/dec/25/aceh-10-years-after-boxing-day- tsunami-in-pictures 8/Boxing-Day-tsunami-10-years-on-The-water-came-my-family-is- gone.htmlhttp:// 8/Boxing-Day-tsunami-10-years-on-The-water-came-my-family-is- gone.html
Questions 1.How well have the countries affected recovered? Give a detailed account and make reference to buildings, lines of communication, employment, education and welfare. 2.Are there any lasting problems for the people or the landscape?
How things have changed Indonesia has installed warning sirens and has promoted evacuation routes Schools have promoted tsunami awareness
Indonesia has developed a disaster management plan to ensure that all new buildings and developments have systems in place to reduce the effects of a tsunami. An early warning system is nosystem is now located in the Indian Ocean
A fertility boom occurred after the tsunami in Indonesia Phuket had virtually rebuilt its tourism industry within 1 year of the disaster, other areas were slower to recover