52 Masters of Disaster 10/05/2015 51 10/05/2015 Starter: Name weather/earth events that you know can cause major problems. Application/Connection: Masters.


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52 Masters of Disaster 10/05/ /05/2015 Starter: Name weather/earth events that you know can cause major problems. Application/Connection: Masters of Distaster WS Practice: Define the following in your own words: Catastrophic event- 1.Write 3 things you learned from the video a. b. c. Masters of Disaster Exit: Summarize what catastrophic events are. EQ: What makes a catastrophic event catastrophic?

October 05, 2015 AGENDA 1 Starter 2. Practice 3. Activity-Masters of Disaster 4. Assign Research Project 5. Exit 7.8A7.8A Predict and describe how different types of catastrophic events impact ecosystems such as floods, hurricanes, or tornadoes by completing a contrast activity.

Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 9/15 Geologist Consortium /16 Pangaea /17 Pangaea /21 Evidence of Continental Drift /22 Pangaea Questions /24 Plate Boundary Notes /25 Labs: Candy Bar Plates and Sea floor spreading /28 Test Review /30 Topographic Maps /1 Modeling Land Features /2 Satellite Views /5 Master of Disaster Table of Contents

Application Instructions--- Do not Copy-- Look at each slide as it comes through. Determine which disaster is illustrated in each of the pictures Write the name of the disaster in the corresponding box on the table

52 Masters of Disaster 10/05/ /05/2015 Starter: Name weather/earth events that you know can cause major problems. Application/Connection: Masters of Distaster WS Practice: Define the following in your own words: Catastrophic event- 1.Write 3 things you learned from the video a. b. c. Masters of Disaster Exit: Summarize what catastrophic events are. EQ: What makes a catastrophic event catastrophic?

52 Masters of Disaster 10/05/ /05/2015 Starter: Name weather/earth events that you know can cause major problems. Application/Connection: Masters of Distaster Practice: Define the following in your own words: Catastrophic event- 1.Write 3 things you learned from the video a. b. c. Masters of Disaster Exit: Summarize what catastrophic events are. 1 Wildfire5 Hurricane 2 Drought6 Volcano 3 Tornado7 Tsunami 4 Earthquake8 flood EQ: What makes a catastrophic event catastrophic?