Contents Who discovered solar energy? Nuclear energy plant Biggest solar energy plant? Sun energy Who discovered solar winds? Biggest Wind power plant Solar pictures Glossary(The underlined words are in the glossary)
Who discovered solar energy Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered solar energy in He built the worlds first photovoltaic panel at a young age of 19 in He was born March in Paris, France. The reason why they invented solar energy because they would have less fossil fuels and less diseases. Solar energy caused much more money than nuclear energy. And he often studied magnetism, electricity and optics(he was a physicist). How much energy was made. Alexandre Edmond Becquerel
Nuclear energy Nuclear energy is made from splitting uranium (fission) a power plant uses fission to generate heat to make steam that makes engines move that makes electricity. Scientists have invented ways of capturing this energy and using it to make electricity. water is important in the progress of making electricity because it cools down machines. If not, the nuclear plants will explode. Fish do not like nuclear energy because it heats up water to boil. It would not be a good idea to live near a nuclear plant because acid comes out of pipes of the nuclear plant. Marie and Pierre discovered radiation in (setbacks ) On 28 March 1979, in Pennsylavania U.S.A. a nuclear energy plant developed a serious problem because water to cool machines was leaking out of pipes making a meltdown that distroyed half of the plant that let radiation escape from the plant making the air unsafe. This is how vitale it is to have cooling systems.
Biggest Nuclear energy plant The Kashiwasaki-Kariwa is the biggest Nuclear energy plant it is located on the coast of Japan it produces 8212 megawatts. (setbacks) In 2011 a tsunami destroyed the Nuclear power plant in Japan called Kashiwasaki-kariwa. It took 2 years to rebuild the Nuclear power plant and its doors finally open in 2013.
Biggest solar energy plant? The largest solar energy plant can be found in Ivanpah solar electric generated system (ISEGS) in California Mojave desert. It’s able to produce up to 377 megawatts using only mirrors. It produces enough energy to power 140,000 homes during sun hours. But only two months later was a death trap for birds killing many birds every month. Because inside the solar plant it reaches to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit killing birds until they catch on fire. But many other plants were catching on fire around the solar plant. The biggest solar energy in Spain.
Sun energy You may not think but the National Space Station runs only on solar energy and so is your watch. Solar energy creates the most energy out of wind energy, Hydro, Geothermal. Greenhouse issues has been worrying because in 5million years the sun will explode and will stop making light that will stop solar wind energy and solar sun energy. The best place in January for sun energy is in Australia and in July the best place is in Africa. Solar energy plants are as wide as a few kilometers. The world’s brightest solar plant in the Mojave Desert U.S.A. The energy from the sun to the Earth surface is named solar energy. The sun energy is generated in its nucleus. It’s mainly through the thermonuclear reaction of hydrogen fusion into helium. Electromagnetic waves this energy is transmitted from nucleus, towords the sun surface and further in the surronding space. The energy of the sun is generated in its middle part of the sun. Some of the energy comes to Earth, because the sun’s energy is giving the energy to other directions, and the little energy to Earth. The sun energy is clean and can be transformed to other forms of energy. The sun’s energy affects living on and nonliving things.
Who discovered Solar winds? Eugene Parker discovered solar wind in Born in June 10th His nationality is American. Eugene Parker realised that the heat flowing from the sun in Champans model. Wind power is the energy or power obtained from using wind from the Earth’s atmosphere. It is considered as one of the oldest form of energies used by human civilizations. The first example of the use of wind power in the human history can be associated with the invention of boats. Those sail boats were invented about 5,500 years ago.
Biggest wind power plant The E-126 is the biggest wind power plant, its hub hight is 135 meters and its diameter is 123 meters. The E-126 is in Austria, it powers up to 7.5 megawats. The factory that made it, is called Bewag Austrian wind power. This is the second largest wind power plant.
Solar Pictures
Glossary Photovoltaic : A technology that transfer solar energy to electronic energy Fossil fuel :Such as coal or oil that is formed from the decayed remains of plants or animals. Uranium : It’s a kind of apparatus for making nuclear bomb. Megawatt : A megawatt is a unit of power. One megawatt is a million watts. Greenhouse : A greenhouse is a glass building in which you grow plants that need to be protected from bad weather. Thermonuclear : Weapon or device is one which uses the high temperatures that result from a nuclear reaction in order to cause it to explode. Hydrogen : A light weight gas that combines with oxygen to form water. Acid : Chemicals substance that contains hydrogen and it neutralizes alkalis.