WHY IS AN UPGRADE NECESSARY? * Recent merger with University Hospital More Physicians Increase in patient volume Increase Volume in Radiology Exams * Second CT scanner Large Data Sets * Current system is failing Delays in Workflow Patient Waiting Time Radiologist at Pauses Technologist Frustration Referring Physician Complaints Unable to view exam images Delay in results
PACS TEAM PACS Administrator (Coordinator) Chief Radiologist Director of Radiology Lead Technologists IT Supervisor and Staff members Chief Financial Officer & Assistant Nursing Supervisor Medical Site Director
RETURN OF INVESTMENT Value Improved workflow in radiology Improved clinician satisfaction Ability to view images and reports from any site at any time Monetary Return of Investment in 3 years COSTS Equipment Data Storage Software Training Construction Migration of Data
RETURN OF INVESTMENT WITHIN 3 YEARS REVENUEYEAR 1YEAR 2YEAR 3YEAR 4YEAR 5OVERALL TOTAL VOLUME50,00052,50055,00057,50060,0005% INCREASE EACH YEAR Revenue per $485$510$535$560$5855% INCREASE Procedure EACH YEAR Total gross revenue $24,250,000$26,775,000$29,425,000$32,200,000$35,100,000$147,750,000 ExpenseOne TimeRecurring Equipment $45,000,000 Hardware $30,000,000 Software $2,400,000 Training $100,000 Interface $125,000 Renovation $325,000 Migration of data $132,000 Service Contract $250,000 TOTAL EXPENSE$78,082,000$250,000 $79,082,000 ROI($53,832,000)($27,307,000)$1,868,000$33,818,000$68,668,000
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Description of Regional Health Hospital 150 Bed Rural Hospital Recent Merger with University Hospital Medical Office Building Consists of Emergency Department 24/7 Surgical Suite Outpatient Imaging 2 CT Units Open MRI 2 General DR Rooms DEXA Ultrasound *Film Screen Mammography *Digital Mammography Spring 2016 Needs Assessment of PACS/Radiology 2 Radiologist Workstations 1 Dedicated Mammography Radiologist Workstation GB RAM storage Increased Bandwidth Fast RAID Storage Secure Image Transmission meeting HIPAA Guidelines Incorporate CT Dose reporting to ACR Critical Dose Reporting Completion within 5 months
SITE VISIT TO ANYTIME HOSPITAL Goals and Objectives PACS system operates smoothly Studies and reports accessible within EMR Evaluate workflows Steps in sending images Radiologist will evaluate workstation and manipulation of images Downtime procedures Remote accessing of vendor for problems/support Interoperability/sharing of images
TRAINING Staff training will be by super users One month to 2 weeks before “go live” date Before and after work session Competency checklists Radiologists will have one to one training Vendor to provide trainer on site for 3 weeks
WHY NOT INVEST IN A NEW PACS SYSTEM FOR REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM? An Upgraded PACS system will: Increase Radiologist Workflow Increase Technologist Workflow Improve Physician Satisfaction Accommodate Large Data Sets Decrease Patient Wait Time Monetary Return Within 3 Years THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEW PACS SYSTEM IS A VITAL NECESSITY FOR THE DELIVERY OF QUALITY AND EXCELLENT MEDICAL IMAGING. Transfer High Resolution Mammo Images
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2009, July). Staff "super users" who train others on clinical information systems help shape positive employee attitudes. par 3,Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Brainstetter, B. (2009). Practical Imaging Informatics. Leesburg: Springer. Erie County Medical Center Corporation. (2013). p 3, par 2, Retrieved from MacDonald, D., & Neville, D. (2010). Evaluating the Implementation of Picture Archiving and Communication Systems in Newfoundland and Labrador-A Cost Benefit Analysis. Retrieved from Journal of Digital Imaging, 23(6), Mancino, P. B., & Russo, T. A. (2007). What You Need to Know Before Purchasing a PACS. Retrieved from Garfunkelwild: RFP for RIS/PACS. (2015).sections 1 & 6, Retrieved from Linked In Corporation Web Site: Xthona, A. (2000, November). Designing the Perfect Reading Room. par 24, Retrieved from Imaging Technology News: room Slide 2 Image: Slide 8 Image: B90961BB&selectedIndex=0&ccid=J%2bJis28l&simid= &thid=OIP.M27e262b36f25191ab93cd1434e918f77o0&ajaxhist=0 and REFERENCES