DO NOW THURSDAY What cell part does photosynthesis happen in? What cell part does cell respiration happen in?
TODAYS PLAN Explain that a cell is the smallest living unit. Describe specialized cells. Describe an organelle. Describe the function of the nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria, cell membrane, and cell wall. Discriminate among the different functions of the nucleus, chloroplast, mitochondria, cell membrane, and cell wall. Develop and use a cell model to describe the function of a cell as a whole and ways that parts of the cell contribute to the function (specifically cell wall and cell membrane) TODAYS DO We will complete a foldable as we learn about cells and their parts. You need to be thinking about how the jobs these cell parts perform can be compared to the jobs that other objects perform for a project we will do tomorrow.
Cells and Cell Organelles
Cells Cells are the smallest LIVING things. Cells in an organism can become specialized to do special jobs.
Cells For example, muscle cells are long and ropelike to allow muscles to stretch (relax) and bounce back (contract).
Cells While nerve cells are very long and branched like wires to allow them to send electrical signals all over your body.
CELL PARTS Are called ORGANELLES- small “organ” in a cell with a specific function (job) Can be compared to the parts of lots of other things because they have similar functions
CELL MEMBRANE Acts as a barrier-controls what gets in and out of cell Like the skin of your body
Cell membrane
CYTOPLASM Gel-like goo that holds organelles
NUCLEUS Control Center of Cell- controls all cell activities Like your brain
}-- nucleus
NUCLEAR ENVELOPE Encloses the nucleus Image from:
Nuclear envelope
NUCLEOLUS Dark area in nucleus where ribosomes are made
CHROMATIN “strings” of DNA + protein inside nucleus
MITOCHONDRION (plural=MITOCHONDRIA) Powerhouse of cell- where energy is released from food –cell respiration Like the food you eat
RIBOSOMES Makes proteins for cell
ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM Provides passageways for materials to move through the cell Like blood vessels in your body
Endoplasmic reticulum------
GOLGI BODY Packages and ships materials out of cell Image from: Like your large intestine
Animation from: See a Golgi movie
-----Golgi body
It’s ALL connected!ALL connected
ANIMAL CELLS ONLY Cytoskeleton Small vacuoles Lysosomes
CYTOSKELETON Gives cell shape and support Like the skeleton of your body
SMALL VACUOLES Storage “sacs”
LYSOSOMES Animation from: Digest food and get rid of “trash”- old organelles, bacteria, etc.
PLANT CELLS ONLY Cell wall HUGE Central vacuole Chloroplasts
CELL WALL Supports and protects the plant cell and gives it shape
Cell wall
CENTRAL VACUOLE Storage space for WATER, food, and wastes
Central vacuole
CHLOROPLASTS Use energy from sunlight to make own food (glucose)- photosynthesis