- Academic Leadership Council - Strategic Planning Nicholas P. Jones Executive Vice President and Provost March 24, 2014
A Continuing Conversation and A Work in Progress
Planning Process “Traditional” “Tweaked” Units University June 30, 2014 June 30, 2015 Image source: Creative Commons
Promoting Our Health Stewarding Our Resources Transforming Education Building Our Digital Future Valuing and Exploring Our Cultures Mission Vision Foundational Principles Guiding Principles for Resource Allocation Supporting Strategies Values “NEW THEME” TBD
Foundational Principles – Access and Affordability – Diversity and Inclusion – Sustainability – Discovery – Global Engagement – Engaged Scholarship – Supporting Pennsylvania – Collaboration and Partnerships – Impact and accountability
Supporting Strategies – Strive for responsive budget processes. – Utilize state-of-the-art information technology. – Ensure worldwide access to research and scholarship. – Develop flexible, competitive human resources recruitment, management & development processes. – Promote technology transfer and commercialization. – Sustain and build fundraising. – Strengthen communications and marketing – Support innovation. – Encourage collaboration. – Foster organizational performance assessment. – Simplify business processes to promote agility in working with external partners.
Guiding Principles for Resource Allocation – Investment guided by institutional and unit plans/priorities – Planning as the basis of “academic business plans” – Seek positions of impact/leadership – Cognizance of external realities – Leverage existing resources and strengths – Seek innovative partnerships – Generate new resources – Integrate multiple dimensions of mission
Promoting Our Health Stewarding Our Resources Transforming Education Building Our Digital Future Valuing and Exploring Our Cultures Mission Vision Foundational Principles Guiding Principles for Resource Allocation Supporting Strategies Values “NEW THEME” TBD
Stewarding Our Resources Penn State will continue to develop its already- established leadership in the stewardship of resources, including environmental, agricultural, energy, and human resources.
Stewarding Our Resources Penn State will continue to develop its already- established leadership in the stewardship of resources, including environmental, agricultural, energy, and human resources. Economics Political science Organizational behavior Cyberscience Sustainability Global connections Human capital Food Ecology Materials science Renewable energy Coal Natural gas Smart energy Land use Water Decision-making Communication Social sciences Local, national & global Financial management
Promoting Our Health Penn State will promote health and sustainable health care, building upon expertise encompassing research, education, service, and clinical practice across the University – e.g., in the life sciences, social and behavioral sciences, medicine, engineering and informatics.
Promoting Our Health Penn State will promote health and sustainable health care, building upon expertise encompassing research, education, service, and clinical practice across the University – e.g., in the life sciences, social and behavioral sciences, medicine, engineering and informatics. Nutrition Climate Personalized medicine Environmental health Aging Rural/urban Psychological services Children & youth Counseling Family health Disease prevention Mental health Lifestyle Exercise Informatics Biodata Antibiotic resistance Pollution Poverty Inequality Affordability & access Social systems Materials Genomics Bioengineering Computing
Transforming Education Penn State will lead the transformation of education, including the development and application of innovative teaching and learning practices at all levels, and across the range of personal, social, economic, and intellectual opportunities.
Transforming Education Penn State will lead the transformation of education, including the development and application of innovative teaching and learning practices at all levels, and across the range of personal, social, economic, and intellectual opportunities. Empowerment Global reach P-16 and beyond Online Campuses Extending education Attainment Access & affordability General education Flipping the classroom Student engagement Discovery New teaching & learning technologies Leadership Outreach STEM Innovation Under-prepared students Varied SES Adult learners Veterans Personal achievement Solving problems Special needs Integrity Ethics Engaged scholarship Professional development
Building Our Digital Futur e Penn State will leverage its existing capabilities to build the digital future, encompassing the rapid expansion of the Internet and the “Internet of things”, mobile computing and sensing, big data, security and privacy, and discovery and the creation of knowledge.
Building Our Digital Futur e Penn State will leverage its existing capabilities to build the digital future, encompassing the rapid expansion of the Internet and the “Internet of things”, mobile computing and sensing, big data, security and privacy, and discovery and the creation of knowledge. Access Imaging Impacts on education Natural sciences Multimedia Digital library Privacy Risk Analytics Quantitative social sciences Simulations Big data Mobile computing Discovery “The Internet of things” Data science Computation Knowledge creation HumanitiesDigital arts Materials science
Valuing and Exploring Our Cultures Penn State will cross disciplinary, geographic, socio- economic, and professional boundaries to continue its leadership role in valuing, exploring, and embracing our cultures.
Valuing and Exploring Our Cultures Penn State will cross disciplinary, geographic, socio- economic, and professional boundaries to continue its leadership role in valuing, exploring, and embracing our cultures. Architecture Design Language Global society Community resources Remediate disparities Media Communication Social systems Humanities Arts Understanding democracy Intercultural competencies Civic engagement Research ethics Moral literacy Integrity Honor Equity Crossing disciplinary boundaries Community-based practices Physical sciences Manufacturing Life sciences Business & industry Social sciences Life sciences Diverse perspectives
~ Volunteers and/or Recommendations ~ Working Groups for Strategic Priorities Short- to medium-term * Creating a one-page statement (what a theme means, what Penn State aspires to, metrics, targets, timelines…). * Building input to/framework for the PSU plan. Short- to long-term * Moving the conversation forward. * Promoting connections and collaborations across departments, colleges, campuses. * Identifying and engaging faculty & staff, trustees, donors.
Discussion 20