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5-6 Finding Percent of Change
Video Tutor Help Finding percent of increaseFinding percent of increase (5-6) Finding percent of decreaseFinding percent of decrease (5-6) Finding percent of markupFinding percent of markup (5-6) Finding percent of discountFinding percent of discount (5-6) Percent of Change word problem
Video Tutor Help Writing percents as fractions Writing percents as decimals Writing decimals as percents Ordering rational numbers with percents Writing fractions as percents Finding a percent using proportions Finding part of a whole using proportions Find the whole amount using proportions Using percent equations to find part of a whole Using percent equations to find a whole amount Finding sales tax Estimating using percents such as tips Finding simple interest Finding percent of increase Finding percent of markup Finding percent of discount
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Percent of Change A percent of change is a ratio that compares the change in quantity to the original amount. Percent of change = amount of change original amount example: original: 12, new = 3 = 1 4 or 25%
Teaching tip When finding percent of change, always use the original amount as the base. When the new amount is greater than the original, the percent of change is a percent of increase. When the new amount is less than the original, the percent of change is called a percent of decrease.
Last year, a school had 632 students. This year the school has 670 students. Find the percent of increase in the number of students. LESSON 5-6 The number of students increased by 6%. 670 – 632 = 38 Find the amount of change. = Write a proportion n n = 38(100)Find the cross products. 632n (100) 632 = Divide each side by 632. n = Simplify. Finding Percent of Change Additional Examples
Example 8-1a Find the percent of change from 325 to 390. Step 1Subtract to find the amount of change. Step 2Write a ratio that compares the amount of change to the original amount. Express the ratio as a percent. Substitution. Find Percent of Change
Example 8-1b Write the decimal as a percent. Answer:The percent of change from 325 to 390 is 20%.
Find the percent markup for a car that a dealer buys for $10,590 and sells for $13,775. LESSON 5-6 The percent markup is 30%. 13,775 – 10,590 = 3,185 Find the amount of markup. = Write a proportion. 3,185 10,590 n ,590n = 3,185(100) Find the cross products. 10,590n 10,590 3,185(100) 10,590 = Divide both sides by 10,590. n 30 Simplify. Finding Percent of Change Additional Examples
Example 8-2a Tuition In 1965, when John entered college, the tuition per year was $7500. In 2000, when his daughter went to the same school, the tuition was $25,500. Find the percent of change. Step 1Subtract to find the amount of change. Step 2Write a ratio that compares the amount of change to the original tuition. Express the ratio as a percent. Find Percent of Increase
Example 8-2b Answer:The percent of change is 240%. In this case, the percent of change is a percent of increase. Substitution. Write the decimal as a percent.
Example 8-4a Clothing A $110 sweater is on sale for $88. What is the percent of change? Step 2Compare the amount of change to the original price. Step 1Subtract to find the amount of change. Find Percent of Decrease
Example 8-4b Substitution. Write the decimal as a percent. Answer:The percent of change is –20%. In this case, the percent of change is a percent of decrease.
Find the percent of discount for a $74.99 tent that is discounted to $ LESSON 5-6 The percent of discount for the tent is 35% – = Find the amount of the discount. = Write the proportion n n (100) = Divide each side by n= 26.24(100) Find the cross products. n 35 Simplify. Finding Percent of Change Additional Examples