6/18/20161 Economic relations between Republic of Moldova and USA: achievement, challenges and perspectives
Economic development: Republic of Moldova vs. USA (2012) Republic of Moldova USA 6/18/20162 GDP per capita (nominal) – USD GDP per capita (PPP) – 3,415 USD Economic growth - (-) 0.8% Inflation (end of period)- 4.1% Unemployment rate – 5.5% Current account balance/GDP – (- ) 9.4% FDI stock per capita – 949 USD Government budget deficit /GDP - (-) 1.8% General government gross debt/GDP % GDP per capita (nominal) – 49,922 USD GDP per capita (PPP) – 49,922 USD Economic growth - 2.2% Inflation (end of period)- 1.8% Unemployment rate – 8.1% Current account balance/GDP – (- ) 3% FDI stock per capita – 12,301 USD Federal budget deficit/GDP – (-) 7% General government gross debt/GDP %
Economic growth, % Republic of Moldova USA 6/18/20163
GDP by sector, % (2011) Republic of Moldova USA 6/18/20164 Gross domestic product (GDP)100,0 Final consumption expenditure116,7 Household consumption expenditure96,4 General government final consumption expenditure20,3 Gross capital formation24,5 Exports of goods and services45,0 Imports of goods and services86,2 Total value added100,0 Agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing14,4 Industry20,2 Services65,5 Gross domestic product (GDP)100,0 Final consumption expenditure88,7 Household consumption expenditure71,5 General government final consumption expenditure17,3 Gross capital formation14,9 Exports of goods and services14,4 Imports of goods and services18,0 Total value added100,0 Agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing1,1 Industry20,3 Services78,6 UNCTAD Statistics data. According to the National Bureau of Statistics of Republic of Moldova the share of industry and services in the gross value added was 16.8% and, respectively, 70.9%.
Main international financial flows as a share of GDP, % 6/18/20165
USA financial flows to Republic of Moldova 6/18/20166 7.1% of foreign equity investments inflows in Republic of Moldova (2012); 78 mil USD (4% ) of remittances (2012); (3.1%) of migrants stock (2010); 27 mil. USD (6%) of official development assistance (2011); 30 mil. USD (1.3%) of Moldovan exports of goods (2012); 79 mil. USD (1.5%) of Moldovan imports of goods (2012).
Trade between Republic of Moldova - USA Historical Evolution Commodity structure (2012) 6/18/20167 ExportsShare in total Beverages, spirits and vinegar 41.3% Tobacco and manufactured tobacco 43.7% ImportsShare in total Pharmaceutical products17.3% Optical, photo, cine, meas, checkin12.2% Nuclear reactors, boilers11.3% Vehicles10.5% Mineral fuels, oils6.7% Meat and edible meat offal6.5%
Investment Opportunities in Republic of Moldova 6/18/20168 The most dynamic sectors ( ) 1) ICT sector 2) Financial activities 3) Transports etc. Despite agriculture and hard industry reflect a much more modest evolution, they have a potential for growth.
Thank you for Your attention! National Institute for Economic Research 6/18/20169