EQ: What is water? Classroom Unsquared
Water is tasteless, colorless, and odorless Water is a solid (ice) below 32 0 F or 0 0 C Water is a liquid between 0 0 C and C (212 0 F) Water is a gas above C Water is a molecule made up of 2 atoms of hydrogen (H) connected to 1 atom of oxygen (O). The chemical formula for water is H 2 O. Oxygen Hydrogen
Like other substances, water changes states or phases. As you know, the 3 phases are solid, liquid, and gas. Here are the names and temperatures of the state changes: gallery.hd.org C SOLID LIQUID GAS MELTINGBOILING CONDENSATIONFREEZING TEMPERATURE 00C00C Boiling PointMelting Point
Water also evaporates below the boiling point. water If we look at what water molecules are doing, it helps us understand what’s going on. Water molecules are incredibly small. If you could blow up one water molecule to the size of a basketball, then a raindrop would be the size of the Earth!!
If we could see water molecules in these containers, then this is what they would be doing… SOLID (Ice) Regular shape Regular volume Molecules are attracting tightly packed vibrating LIQUID Regular volume No regular shape Molecules are still attracting faster moving bumped apart sliding around GAS No regular volume No regular shape Molecules are still attracting fastest moving pushed far apart darting around
When water boils, bubbles of water gas form, rise to surface because they are lighter that liquid water, and then break free into the air. During evaporation, faster molecules break free of attraction at surface and go into air. Fewer others will hit surface and stick. If more hit and stick to surface than leave, then condensation is occurring.