CoSMIC: An MDA Tool Suite for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems Aniruddha Gokhale, Tao Lu, Emre Turkay, Balachandran Natarajan, Jeff Parsons, K. Balasubramaniam, Boris Kolpakov, Arvind Krishna, J. Balasubramaniam {gokhale, lu, turkaye, bala, parsons, kitty, boris, ISIS, Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Work supported by AFRL contract# F C-4112 for DARPA PCES Program
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Research Synopsis Develop, validate, & help to standardize technologies that: (1) Model (2) Analyze (3) Synthesize & (4) Provision multiple layers of middleware for distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems that require simultaneous control of multiple quality of service properties end-to-end Model Driven Approach for Distributed Real-time & Embedded Middleware Middleware Services DRE Applications Operating Sys & Protocols Hardware & Networks distributed system
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Distributed Real-time & Embedded Systems Stringent simultaneous quality of service (QoS) demands Part of larger systems Resource constrained Stringent simultaneous quality of service (QoS) demands Part of larger systems Resource constrained Network-centric & large-scale Dynamic context Stringent simultaneous quality of service (QoS) demands Part of larger systems Resource constrained Network-centric & large-scale Dynamic context Stringent simultaneous quality of service (QoS) demands Part of larger systems Resource constrained The Past The Future
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July DRE Systems: The Challenges Ahead (1/2) Win2KLinuxLynxOS Solaris VxWorks CORBA Services CORBA Apps MIDDLEWARE ARCHS J2EE Services J2EE Apps.NET Services.NET Apps Middleware Services DRE Applications Operating Sys & Protocols Hardware & Networks There is a limit to how much application functionality can be factored into broadly reusable COTS middleware Middleware has become extremely complicated to use, configure, & provision statically & dynamically There are now multiple middleware technologies to choose from
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July DRE Systems Challenges: Emergence of Component Middleware (2/2) Context Component middleware gaining importance (CCM, J2EE,.NET) Components encapsulate application core logic Components possess Event sinks & sources Connection points e.g., receptacles Interfaces e.g., facets attributes Containers provide execution environment for components with common operating requirements Containers communicate via a middleware bus Middleware Bus Security ReplicationNotificationPersistence Container … … Challenges Accidental complexities configuring the middleware Accidental complexities deploying semantically compatible components
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Related Work: MIC, Vanderbilt (Sztipanovits, Karsai, et al) Ptolemy, UC Berkeley (Lee et al) Cadena, KSU (John Hatcliff et al) Quality Connector, LMCO (Joe Cross et. al) Key Benefits Preserves DRE application functional & systemic QoS properties as high level models Domain-specific languages & analysis/synthesis tools transform models to customize underlying multi- layered middleware platforms Leverages & shapes standards for wider applicability Our Solution: Model-Driven Middleware for DRE Systems Middleware Bus Security ReplicationNotificationPersistence Container … … … …
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July MDA-Component Middleware Integration Goals 1.Configuring and deploying application services end-to-end 2.Composing components into component servers 3.Configuring application component containers 4.Synthesizing application component implementations 5.Synthesizing middleware-specific configurations 6.Synthesizing dynamic QoS provisioning and adaptation logic 7.Synthesizing middleware implementations Our tool suite is called CoSMIC CoSMIC = Component Synthesis using Model Integrated Computing
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Current Target Middleware: CIAO CORBA Component Model Component Integrated ACE ORB (CIAO) Focus on infrastructure support for composition of the following aspects CIDL compiler to synthesize component descriptor metadata & stubs/skeletons RT event channel integration with CIAO containers Assembly & deployment framework Collaboration with Washington University RT Event Channel
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Boeing Bold Stroke: Current Target Domain Avionics Product Line Component Model DRE system with 3,000+ domain- specific software components, 3-5 million lines of C++ code 100+ developers Mission-control software for Boeing military aircraft, e.g., F-18 E/F, Harrier, UCAV Leverages the ACE+TAO middleware Used as Avionics Open Experimental Platform (OEP) for DARPA/IXO PCES & MoBIES programs Moving towards using CIAO CCM
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Component Assembly & Deployment (1/3) Application components are partitioned, assembled and then deployed in a way that provides optimum resource utilization & delivers required QoS to the application e.g., Bold Stroke scenarios involve assembling & deploying hundreds of components Assembly & deployment can be scripted by using XML descriptors & deployment tools CONTEXT
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Component Assembly & Deployment (2/3) PROBLEMS XML file in excess of 3,000 lines for medium sized scenarios Existing practices involve handcrafting the XML descriptors Partitioning, Distribution and Deployment done in ad hoc manner Modifications in assembly requires modifying XML file
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Component Assembly & Deployment (3/3) Status: Component & Assembly Descriptor Modeling Language (CADML) developed in GME Used to model & synthesize CAD files for Boldstroke product scenarios in CIAO Next Steps: Analyze application QoS requirements and determine effective partitioning of functionality and Synthesize component assembly descriptors using logical resources Deploy system on physical resources using existing assembly SOLUTION
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Configuring Middleware End-to-End (1/3) I/O Subsystem M/W Bus SkeletonStub Middleware must be configured with the appropriate systemic metadata end-to-end e.g., in Bold Stroke example, appropriate priority banded connections must be set between application services CONTEXT
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Configuring Middleware End-to-End (2/3) I/O Subsystem M/W Bus SkeletonStub PROBLEMS Determine right concurrency strategy Determine right demux strategy Determine right marshaling optimizations Determine right connection mgmt policy Configuring subset of underlying transports Highly flexible middleware tend to provide numerous configuration knobs that can be configured to deliver required systemic properties to applications Existing techniques of metadata configurations rely on ad hoc manual selection of configuration parameters
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Configuring Middleware End-to-End (3/3) Status: Options Configuration Modeling Language (OCML) developed in GME Used by TAO developers to model TAO ORB configuration options and option constraints Validate user-provided option descriptor file Next Steps: Develop modeling paradigm to express QoS requirements Interactive tool to synthesize options descriptor file based on application QoS requirements Benchmarking on Emulab testbed Tools to generate html documentation of options SOLUTION
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Concluding Remarks CoSMIC Tools Applying MDA to address 1.the end-to-end deployment aspect of DRE applications 2.the component container configuration aspect 3.the middleware configuration aspect 4.the dynamic QoS provisioning & adaptation aspect … Container … … Middleware Bus Security ReplicationNotificationPersistence Current Status: Modeling paradigm and generators developed for CCM component assembly & deployment Modeling paradigm and constraint checker to determine semantic compatibility of ORB configuration options
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Downloading the Middleware & Tools Beta and Stable release can be accessed from
Gokhale et alCoSMIC OMG RTED Workshop July Component Assembly & Deployment (1/2)