Membership and Finance Updates 2015 was our best membership year in terms of members and revenue We have over 9,000 members and continue to grow. We transferred $800,000 into our reserve account Our reserve account is currently over $11,000,000
AACAP Meetings Douglas B. Hansen, MD Annual Review Course Pediatric Psychopharmacology Update Institut e Chaired by Gaye Carlson, MD and Jim McGough, MD 197 attendees Chaired by Larry Greenhill, MD and Melissa DelBello, MD Sold out with 824 attendees!
AACAP Meetings 2016 Annual Meeting Oct , 2016 in New York, NY 60 th Congress of AEPNYA June 1-4, 2016 in Donostia/San Sebastian, Spain This year’s Call for Papers had over 150 submissions more than ever before!
New Task Forces Task Force on Allied Membership for Psychologists Chaired by Tami Benton, MD Task Force on an AACAP Foundation Chaired by Kayla Pope, MD Task Force on Awards and Special Funds Chaired by Paramjit Joshi, MD
Presidential Initiative on Integrated Care Task Force Gregory K. Fritz, MD Tami D. Benton, MD David R. DeMaso, MD David G. Fassler, MD Mary-Margaret Gleason, MD Robert J. Hilt, MD D. Richard Martini Maryland Pao, MD Barry Sarvet, MD Marianne Z. Wamboldt, MD Lawrence Wissow, MD Marian F. Earls, MD
Presidential Initiative on Integrated Care Pediatric Integrated Care Resource Center David DeMaso, MD and Heather Walter, MD are organizing a robust, dynamic and all-inclusive Pediatric Integrated Care Resource Center for our website. Milliman Report for Kids AACAP has collaborated with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), two divisions of the American Psychological Association, and the Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. AAP Liaisons We are working on strengthening our liaison program with the American Academy of Pediatrics. Richard Martini, MD and Robert Hilt, MD, Co-chairs of COCMP are working to increase the effectiveness of these programs.
Presidential Initiative on Integrated Care Education Subgroup - Maryland Pao, MD is organizing articles on integrated care for AACAP News - Tami Benton, MD and Gary Maslow, MD have agreed to edit an issue of the Child Psychiatric Clinics of North America. - Joint Program in New York Strengthening Relationships with Other Organizations - American Psychological Association The Integrated Primary Care Alliance on April 8-9 was attended by David Demaso, MD and Heather Walter, MD -American Board of Pediatrics Meeting Mary Margaret Gleason, MD and Greg Fritz, MD to attend ABP meeting on April in North Carolina
Presidential Initiative on Integrated Care APA Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative - Marianne Wamboldt, MD is serving as advisory member from AACAP to the American Psychiatric Association Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative. Outcome and Effectiveness Measures Larry Wissow, MD and Robert Hilt, MD are currently looking into ongoing research about outcome and effectiveness measures.
2016 AACAP Election AACAP’s 2016 election to elect two new Nominating Committee members and two new Councilors-at- Large opens on May 2 nd Don’t Forget to Vote!