Criteria for Developing Programmes for Continuing Professional Development of Technology Teachers PATT 20 Conference 6 November 2008 Werner Engelbrecht Piet Ankiewicz Estelle de Swardt
TechnEd vision Vision: to promote technology education, as prescribed within national education policy, as an integral part of SET through learning programmes, research projects and community service Established in 1999 as the first school-university based technology centre of its kind in SA
Catalyst Project Teachers complained that previous CPTD was too generic and that facilitators were not well versed in technology education TechnEd CPTD focuses on subject specific content- based and custom made LTSM Facilitated by university staff
Catalyst Project Since 2003 Anglo Platinum has sponsored LTSM for schools as part of the Anglo Platinum Schools Project Anglo Platinum sponsored the training of 120 technology teachers in the Rustenburg area in 2004, 260 in 2005, 230 in 2006 and 215 in 2007 Teachers from 130 schools ( learners) in four areas attend workshops outside of the classroom situation
Current Catalyst Project TechnEd LTSM was supplied to 9 schools as part of the Anglo Platinum Schools Project in : Solar energy books were provided to Grd. 9 learners and System and Control books to Grd. 8 learners
Current Catalyst Project Each teacher is supplied with LTSM (TechnEd learner workbook and teacher guide) a customised set of lessons to facilitate a complete project in the classroom on one of the technological themes. Teachers are also supplied with all the tools and materials to participate in the hands-on activities. Purpose is to upgrade teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogy
Criteria for CPTD The following CPTD models were considered: Stein, McRobbie and Ginns, (1999:11)(model 1) Banks, Barlex, Jarvinen, O’Sullivan, Owen-Jackson and Rutland, (2004: )(model 2) Stein, Ginns and McDonald (2007: )(model 3) Reitsma’s (2006:276) model that focuses on the process of developing appropriate CPTD programmes for teachers in a South African context (model 4)
Criteria for CPTD Table 1: The following criteria for sound CPTD were identified:. No Criteria for CPTD Relating models C1 CPTD should develop a teacher’s school knowledge1, 2, 3, 4 C2 CPTD should develop a teacher’s discipline knowledge 1, 2, 3, 4 C3 CPTD should develop a teacher’s pedagogic knowledge1, 2, 3, 4 C4 CPTD should develop and enhance a teacher’s personal subject construct 1, 2, 3, 4 C5 CPTD should include theoretical experiences 1, 3 C6 CPTD should include practical experiences 1, 3 C7 CPTD should include reflective experiences1, 3
Purpose of research Research question: What is the teachers’ experience of CPTD developed based on the criteria for sound CPTD?
Research Design An evaluative case study, based on qualitative research methodology, was conducted Participants in the research were technology teachers who participated in the Technology Education Catalyst Project Data were collected through the observation of the teachers during the various workshops, open-ended questionnaires and interviews Questionnaires were adapted after each workshop
The main finding is that the teachers experienced the workshops as rewarding and fruitful
“The lesson was excellent; we have gained a lot about levers and linkages.” “What we get from the workshop is also enhancing our vocabulary as far as the concepts of technology is concerned.” Specific finding 1 Teachers felt empowered by the workshops through the development of their technological knowledge (both conceptual and procedural) as well as their pedagogy, and the support of their SMT. This brought about a change in their attitude towards technology Technological knowledge Conceptual Procedural Pedagogy Attitude toward technology Support of SMT
“It encourages creativity and stimulates thinking.” “I have gained knowledge on how to state the problem, and the design brief. ” Specific finding 1 Teachers felt empowered by the workshops through the development of their technological knowledge (both conceptual and procedural) as well as their pedagogy, and the support of their SMT. This brought about a change in their attitude towards technology Technological knowledge Conceptual Procedural Pedagogy Attitude toward technology Support of SMT
“What a masterpiece! It has brought a new and useful dimension on my presentation of technology to my learners. Keep up the good work.” “The person presenting it to us…gives you practical guidelines making it easier for you to transfer it to the learner….” Specific finding 1 Teachers felt empowered by the workshops through the development of their technological knowledge (both conceptual and procedural) as well as their pedagogy, and the support of their SMT. This brought about a change in their attitude towards technology Technological knowledge Conceptual Procedural Pedagogy Attitude toward technology Support of SMT
“Now I am interested in technology.” “I hated technology, but after the first workshop I wish to continue teaching technology.” Specific finding 1 Teachers felt empowered by the workshops through the development of their technological knowledge (both conceptual and procedural) as well as their pedagogy, and the support of their SMT. This brought about a change in their attitude towards technology Technological knowledge Conceptual Procedural Pedagogy Attitude toward technology Support of SMT
“The attitude is positive because it involves acquisition of knowledge and skills that I can use in the class with the learners.” “The attitude of my principal is very good concerning this workshop – she even remind me about it days before in advance.” Specific finding 1 Teachers felt empowered by the workshops through the development of their technological knowledge (both conceptual and procedural) as well as their pedagogy, and the support of their SMT. This brought about a change in their attitude towards technology Technological knowledge Conceptual Procedural Pedagogy Attitude toward technology Support of SMT
Specific finding 2 Teachers experienced the workshops as being conducive to learning among learners “The good delivery will be to the benefit of our learners and to the community as well.” “The workshop was exciting and encouraging. It gives the teachers more courage to tackle the Tech work at schools and learners benefit a lot.”
Specific finding 3 Teachers experienced the accompanying LTSM as well as the materials and tools, supplied during the workshops, as informative and helpful, and have a need to use it in their classrooms “The RAUTEC (TechnEd) workbooks are very well constructed and save me as a teacher a lot of time on detailed preparation.” “The interesting tools and materials used make us realise that even waste materials can be used for projects.” “The workbooks have made a tremendous difference....”
The main finding is that the teachers experienced the workshops as rewarding and fruitful
Findings Customised LTSM played a central role in the teachers’ overall experience of the workshops as being rewarding and fruitful The LTSM that served as point of departure for the facilitation of the workshops, contributed towards the teachers’ empowerment in terms of school knowledge (C1) and discipline knowledge (C2) as well as pedagogical knowledge (C3).
Findings CPTD developed and enhanced the teachers’ personal subject construct (a combination of elements of school knowledge, subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge) (C4). The workshops were developed to include theoretical experiences (C5) facilitated from the LTSM, as well as practical experiences (C6) based on activities from the LTSM.
Findings Teachers experienced the activities as if they were learners themselves while continuously focusing on pedagogical aspects such as classroom management, resource management and time planning and constraints which required them to reflect on their own experience in the workshops (C7).
Conclusion The seven criteria for developing sound CPTD programmes for technology teachers contributed to their experience of the CPTD as being rewarding and fruitful.