Cain & Abel Faithe and Olivia
Background Information: The story starts out with the boys giving offerings to the Lord. Abel gave the first born of his flock while Cain gave fruit. These offerings were taken in different lights from the Lord, Abel receiving praise and the Lord gave no regard to Cain’s offering. In his jealousy, God came to Cain and he warns him not to let sin rule over him. After this meeting, Cain goes and kills his brother. God comes again to Cain, responding with love and compassion. He lets him go with a mark that protects him from people who want to harm him.
How does God reveal Himself in this situation? Who is God here? What does He do? God reveals himself with his actions of love, forgiveness, and mercy. God gave Cain a mark so no one could kill him EVEN THOUGH he was a murderer. Physically, Cain was in the presence of the Lord when he was giving his offerings and when he was confronted about killing his brother.
Who are the human characters in this situation? How do they respond to God? Human Characters: Cain Abel Abel put God first, giving him the best of his flock. Cain's sacrifice was of little importance to himself and to his family. While Abel responded positively because of his sacrifice, Cain responded with jealousy towards his brother and anger towards God.
How does this situation foreshadow what God does through Jesus Christ? Abel sacrificed a year old lamb, and his sin was passed onto the animal, dying with the lamb. Cain on the other hand gave fruit, and his sin could not be passed onto the fruit. Jesus died for our sins illustrating that now our sins could be washed away without a sacrifice from our possessions. All we need to do is ask for forgiveness. Mercy: God gave Cain mercy and did not kill him even though he deserved to die, because of his act of murder. But when Cain asked God for mercy, God was willing to give it to Cain and to forgive him. Jesus showed the same compassion and mercy with the people he preached to. Romans 4: 25: He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. Matthew 9:36: Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.