ZiMA Congress 2015 Welcome and Opening Remarks Dr Agnes Mahomva, ZiMA President Elephant Hills -Victoria Falls, August 2015
Welcome and Opening Remarks The National Executive Council (NEC) Professor Innocent Gangaidzo, our Key Note Speaker The UNICEF Country Representative Mr Reza Husaain, our guest speaker All our Congress presenters Our Congress Convener and Scientific Committee Chair Our donors and stakeholders Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen ZiMA Congress 2015: Elephant Hills -Victoria Falls, August 2015
Welcome and Opening Remarks Welcome to this exciting congress that focuses on “Ethics in Medical Practice” The medical profession in Zimbabwe has continued to face an increasingly complex health care landscape that includes many challenges medical doctors face as we go about our work that includes collaboration with key stakeholders such as MOHCC and Health funders. ZiMA Congress 2015: Elephant Hills -Victoria Falls, August 2015
Welcome and Opening Remarks This year’s congress aims to remind us that despite the many challenges faced, it is essential to continue conducting our medical business in a professional and ethical way. Adhering to the values and guidelines governing decisions in medical practice is a must for a successful implementation of health services that yield good health outcomes for our patients and the nation. ZiMA Congress 2015: Elephant Hills -Victoria Falls, August 2015
Welcome and Opening Remarks It is also a must if we as doctors are to “survive” and succeed. Each medical doctor is invested with the responsibility to adhere to the standards of ethical practice and conduct set by the profession. The values and guidelines governing decisions in medical practice are a core component of medicine. They must be adhered to. ZiMA Congress 2015: Elephant Hills -Victoria Falls, August 2015
Welcome and Opening Remarks Our Scientific Committee has put together a very comprehensive program that covers many different areas of ethics in medical practice. Let us therefore take advantage of this opportunity to – revisit this very important topic – share ideas on it and – learn from each other ZiMA Congress 2015: Elephant Hills -Victoria Falls, August 2015
Welcome and Opening Remarks This process will not only revitalize us but will also help us find innovative ways of adhering to our values whilst addressing the many challenges that we currently face as a profession. I am happy to announce to you that ethics continues to be one of our key values in our refreshed and new ZiMA four year strategic plan that we will launch at our AGM on Saturday. Let me take this opportunity to once again welcome you to this scientific part of our congress and to thank all those who helped put together this year’s program. “Your participation makes ZiMA great” ZiMA Congress 2015: Elephant Hills -Victoria Falls, August 2015
A Big Welcome and Thank you ZiMA Congress 2015: Elephant Hills -Victoria Falls, August 2015