Our Locality Tubberclare / Glasson
Index Map Early Occupation Early Christianity The Normans Waterstown House Waterstown RuinsWaterstown Ruins Pigeon House Glasson The Old School House Bethlehem Goldsmith Lissoy The Pinnacle Killinure Tubberclair Modern Glasson Lough Ree Bibliography
Early Occupation People lived in this area as far back as the Stone Age. A stone axehead, stone arrowheads and a stone jar were found. During the Bronze Age people lived in crannógs in Doonis Lough and in Lake Makeegan (Auburn Lough). Many townlands take their names from the homesteads of the Celts who live here – Lios, Rath, Lisakilleen, Lisnascreen.
Early Christianity St. Patrick is said to have come to this area, but after a poor reception from the people of Calry, he fled over the Breensford River leaving the imprint of his knees near Annagh Crossroads, giving the the name Patrick’s Knees. St. Canice founded a monastery in Kilkenny West about 550 A.D. St. Kieran founded a monastery on Hare Island before moving to Clonmacnoise. Later, abbeys and churches were built on Islands in Lough Ree - Inchmore, Inchturk Nun’s Island and Inisboffin.
The Normans The Normans came to Ireland at the request of King Henry 11. In 1185 all land of Tubberclair was granted to the Norman Dillon family. Area became known as the Barony of Kilkenny West. The Dillons built 7 castles - Kilfaughney, Ballinakill, Ballinacliffey, Killinure, Kilkenny West, Waterstown and Portlick. Only Portlick remains.
Waterstown House House built in late 1600s on the site of the Dillon castle which had been destroyed. Designed by Richard Castle (Designer of Leinster House, Westport House, Powerscourt House, Rotunda Hospital). Became Known as the Hancock Temple Estate the following century. Later became the Harris Temple Estate. Land granted to William Hancock during the Cromwellian plantation.
Waterstown Ruins Waterstown House is now in ruins. It was dismantled in the early twentieth century and parts of it are to be seen in different parts of the country – the main gates are at Longford Cathedral.
Pigeon House The Pigeon House on the Waterstown Estate supplied meat for the residents during the Winter.
Glasson Glasson takes its name from the Irish word “Glasan” which means a streamlet. The village was built by the owners of Waterstown for its workers, An underground tunnel ran from the village to the estate.
The Old School House Built in Funded by Isabella Harris Temple of Waterstown House. Provided a free school for the children of Glasson. Remained open until Reopened in 1905 and continued as an Infant School until Became a Heritage Centre in 1998.
Bethlehem Poor Clare Nuns fled from Dublin after their convent was suppressed in Nuns given protection by their relatives the Dillons. Convent built on the shore of Lough Ree in 1631and called Bethlehem. Mother Cecily Dillon was the first Abbess. In 1642 the convent was destroyed by English soldiers. Nuns fled to Nun’s Island in Lough Ree. The soldiers were all murdered at Ballinacliffy Castle. The nuns went to Galway city where they founded a monastery at Nun’s Island.
Goldsmith Oliver Goldsmith - poet, playwright and novelist, was born at Pallas in Co. Longford, in His father was a parson who moved to this area 2 years later.
Lissoy Lissoy Parsonage was Goldsmith’s home from the age of two until he went to university. His childhood haunts inspired much of his writing…. In “The Deserted Village” he wrote: Near yonder copse, where once the garden smiled And still where many a garden-flower grows wild; There where a few torn shrubs the place disclose, The village preacher’s modest mansion rose.
The Pinnacle A signalling tower. Built by a local landlord, Nathaniel Lowe, in He lived 25 miles away in Galway. His herdsman communicated with him from the Pinnacle, using flag signals.
Killinure Glasson Golf & Country Club was, up to recent times, known as Killinure House. It was built about 1780 and restored at the end of the 19 th century. The Reid Family converted it to a luxurious clubhouse in the 1990s.
Tubberclare The Church of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception was built during Penal Times. Tubberclair gets its name from the Irish “Tobar cláir” ….the water of the plain. This beautiful garden is opposite the Roman Catholic Church.
Modern Glasson The Post Office The Village Restaurant The Health Centre
Lough Ree Situated in the middle of Ireland - the middle lake on the River Shannon. Many islands, including Nun’s Island and Hare Island, a former home of St. Kieran. Raided by Vikings in the 8 th and 9 th centuries. Viking treasure discovered there in Lord Castlemaine built a summer residence there in the 19 th century. Famous for fishing. Boats may be hired for angling.
Bibliography The Glasson Trail - Westmeath Tourism The Spring Wells - Fr. Seamus Mulvany