College T-Shirt/Sweatshirt Seniors Only You dress down as long as you wear the College shirt and or sweatshirt that you will be attending in the Fall, all dress down day rules apply. Date Tuesday, April 23 rd.
Senior Dress Down Begins April 29 th through May 3 rd. Attire: Must follow the handbook dress down policy. P. 22 of the Handbook. Reminder: No Hats, No Yoga Pants/Stretch Pants, No short shorts, No Tank Tops.
Senior Awards Dinner Thursday, May 16th Time 6:00 pm. Location Michael’s Eighth Ave. Cost of ticket $22 per person. Ticket sold April 16 th to April 23 rd (Lunch Periods). Attire: Gentlemen - Jacket, Tie, Dress Pants, Dress Shoes; Ladies - Dress (appropriate length), Dress Pants, Skirt(appropriate length). Tops must not be revealing and shoulders must be covered.
Senior Prom Saturday, May 18th Time 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm. Location Loews Hotel, Annapolis. Cost of Ticket $20 per person. Tickets sold April 16 th to April 23 rd (Lunch Periods). Attire: Ladies & Gentlemen Formal Attire.
Senior Teach Day Date: May 3 rd -Last Day for Seniors. If you are participating be here start of school. Mandatory Meeting after school, April 30 th. (See Mrs. Brunner for details) Senior Salute to be held in the PM. Approximately 1:10 pm is when call down will begin. Students may arrive at 1:00 pm and report immediately to the Auditorium, please no earlier.
Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal Date, Wednesday, May 22 nd. Arrive at school in Auditorium 9:30 am. Assigned busses take you to the Cathedral, you will get a lunch on the way to the Cathedral. You will receive your 4 graduation tickets during the rehearsal. Assigned busses will bring you back to school; You will receive your Graduation gown and cap, health folder on the way to school. You will arrive back at school at approximately at 2:30 pm.
Permission Form – Mandatory Graduation Rehearsal Your homeroom teacher will provide you with a Permission Form and they must be returned to the homeroom teacher on or before Homeroom on or before Monday, April 22, If we do not receive your Permission Form, you will not be permitted to attend any additional activities, including Senior Salute.
Attire Graduation Rehearsal Ladies: Dress or Skirt of an appropriate length or Dress pants - no “low cut” or revealing clothing is permitted – shoulders, backs & midriffs must be covered. It is recommended that the ladies wear or bring the shoes they will wear for graduation to practice walking the aisle – no flip flops – no nose rings. Gentlemen: shirt, tie, dress pants (no shorts) and dress shoes (pants to be belted and on the waist, shirts to be tucked). Hair must be cut at least above the collar and all gentlemen must be cleaned shaved for both Rehearsal and Graduation – no earrings
Graduation Date, Thursday, May 23 rd Time – Seniors must arrive at 6:00 pm and line up outside the Cathedral. There is absolutely no tailgating at the Cathedral, Please inform your families. Families will be allowed in the cathedral at 6:00 pm. Mass will be celebrated prior to the graduation. Therefore, no one may be permitted until 6:00 pm. Only people with a ticket will be allowed to enter. There are Ushers and this is strictly enforced. Ceremony will begin at 7:00 pm sharp!
Graduation Handicap Accessibility There is a ramp and handicap accessible entrance on the left side of the Cathedral building. Please keep in mind that with elderly guests who attend Graduation, the number of handicap parking permits exceeds the number of handicap parking spaces available. Therefore, some guests who need handicap parking will need to park in the regular parking lot. Please notify Kathy Mayer, our Campus Minister, at ext. 236 or on or before May 20, 2013 if you will have a guest who will remain in their wheel chair throughout the Ceremony.
Graduation Attire Ladies – White Dress and White Dress Shoes. Gentlemen – White shirt, tie, long dark slacks and dress shoes.
Congratulations Class of 2013!!!!! Finish Strong!