United to Prevent Pneumococcal Disease Workplace Wellness Facilitator: William Baun 1
Objective: Generate evidence-based arguments for optimal vaccination rates relevant to workplace wellness for use in all vaccine advocacy activities Methods: Participants considered the best evidence linking optimal vaccination to workplace wellness Groups prepared for a “best evidence headlines” competition Web-based research to locate the most compelling evidence linking optimal vaccination rates to workplace wellness Search strategies were determined by the group as a whole Findings were compiled and distilled into a single “Headline” to provide supporting evidence with the strongest impact Workshop: Workplace Wellness
United to Prevent Pneumococcal Disease Workplace Wellness: Message Output from Participants 3 Being healthy is your job! –Being healthy is your job! –For all of us, there is a vaccine –Vaccination cannot end with children –Vaccines improve your quality of life and your ability to provide for your family –My family and my company need me healthy –Improve your health and the health of those around you –Protect yourself, protect your family –Commit to your health –A day without pneumonia is a good day –A coffin costs more than vaccine –Do you want to enjoy your grandchildren? –Get vaccinated and the ladies will need protection!