Most Common Sharks to Attack These sharks are larger in size and consume larger prey Great White Tiger Shark Bull Shark Blacktip Shark
How to Reduce Risks of being Attacked Stay in groups, sharks usually attack a animal that is alone Do not go in the water at night, sharks have an advantage and are more likely to attack Do not wear shiny jewelry Sharks see color contrast well- avoid bright color
What do Sharks Eat? No sharks are true herbivores Large irregular feeds –.5-3% of body weight May attack humans, but they are not designed to feed off humans –Humans were not around when sharks developed feeding habits
What do Sharks Eat? Specialized – same thing over and over – similar habitats offer similar foods Common Preys – squid, fish, turtles, sea lions, and crabs,
What do Sharks Eat? Facts Great Whites usually consumer 11 tons of meat per year 10% of all food consumed goes into making new shark – growth and body maintenance –Where is the other 90% Found in Tiger Sharks – drumshorse parts – coalchickens – cans of paintdogs – coatscattle parts
How do Sharks Eat? Some Are Filter Feeders – passes through bristles along the gills Use of Teeth – pliable dentine covered by harder enamel Arranged in Rows – lost teeth/rows replaced by the ones behind – happens about every two weeks – can go through 20,000 teeth in a life time
Why Conserve Sharks are a natural by catch of many longline fishing industries fishing for tuna and billfish. Due to hazards imposed on the crew these sharks are often killed. Historically there was a wide market for Vitamin A, which is produced in the liver of sharks. There is still a strong market in Asian communities for shark fins. (Shark Fin Soup)
So why conserve? –Many societies depend on shark fisheries to sustain their economies. –Low reproductive capabilities. Gestation period long Mature at high age –Due to over fishing some areas shark populations have become extremely low.
Conservation Strategies Listing at risk species on the endangered species list. Research into shark reproduction. Fishing regulations for “keeper” size sharks. Banning/boycotting goods produced from sharks in countries where it is legal to do so.
Whale Shark Largest fish in the world Very lucrative industry in India Not much is known about reproductive capabilities. Listed as Endangered
Great White Shark Considered the most deadly shark to humans Often hunted for role in attacks. Little is known about breeding. Listed as vulnerable.
Smalltooth Sawfish Once common throughout the eastern seaboard Almost completely extinct due to fishing pressure for their saw. Listed as endangered. Little is known about this animal.