Metric System SI - System International
I. Base Units of measurements A. LengthMeter(m) B. MassGram(g) C. VolumeLiter(L) D. Densitygrams/cubic centimeterg/cm 3 grams/milliliterg/mL E. Temperaturedegrees Celsius°C degrees Kelvin°K
II. Common prefixes in the metric system A. Terra (T)1,000,000,000,000 times the unit B. Giga (G)1,000,000,000 times the unit C. Mega (M)1,000,000 times the unit B. Kilo(K)1000 times the unit C. centi(c)1/100 or of the unit D. milli(m)1/1000 or of the unit E. micro(µ)1millionth or of the unit F. nano(n)1 billionth or of the unit
III. Units of length UnitSymbolRelationship Kilometerkm1km = 10 3 m Meterm Centimetercm10 2 cm = 1m Millimetermm10 3 mm = 1m Micrometerµm10 6 µm = 1m Nanometernm10 9 nm = 1m
IV. Units of Volume UnitSymbolRelationship LiterL MillilitermL10 3 mL = 1L Cubic centimetercc or cm 3 1cm 3 = 1mL MicroliterµL10 6 µL = 1L KiloliterkL1000 L or 10 3 L
V. Units of Mass UnitSymbolRelationship Kilogramkg1kg = 10 3 g Gramg Milligrammg10 3 mg = 1g Microgramµg10 6 µg = 1g
Metric Prefixes scale line Scientific notation Prefix name
VI. Problem Solving A. Conversion factors you must know and will use! 1. 1km = 1000m 2. 1m = 100cm 3. 1m = 1000mm 4. 1g = 1000mg 5. 1kg = 1000g 6. 1L = 1000mL 7. 1mL = 1cm 3 = 1cc
VI. Problem Solving B. Conversion factors are ratios of equivalent measurements / whenever 2 measurements are equal, a ratio of the measurements are = 1 C. Water has a density of 1g/mL. This is a factor that you will need to go from mass to volume or volume to mass for water. 1 mL of H 2 O = 1 g. of H 2 O Remember this !!!!!
VI. Problem Solving D. Factor/Label Method Primary Rule - Must include units with all numbers!!! 1. Write down units for what you are solving, then an = sign 2. Begin with what you already know 3. Use conversions to get from known to unknown 4. Cancel units until units are correct 5. Do Math - Show answers with units