Hydra / Open Access Chris Awre NC Learning Exchange on Embedding Open Access 12 th May 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Hydra / Open Access Chris Awre NC Learning Exchange on Embedding Open Access 12 th May 2016

An institutional repository Repositories are infrastructure – Maintaining infrastructure requires resource, which we need to minimise to justify costs in the long-term Content doesn’t sit in silos – One repository facilitates cross-fertilisation of use Integration with one system – Embedding the repository means linking to one place One institution = one repository? Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 2

Five principles  A repository should be content agnostic  A repository should be (open) standards-based  A repository should be scalable  A repository should understand how pieces of content relate to each other  A repository should be manageable with limited resource Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 3

Fedora and Hydra Fedora can be complex in enabling its flexibility How can the richness of the Fedora system be enabled through simpler interfaces and interactions? – The Hydra project has endeavoured to address this, and has done so successfully – Not a turnkey, out of the box, solution, but a toolkit that enables powerful use of Fedora’s capabilities through lightweight tools Hydra ‘heads’ – Single body of content, many points of access into it Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 4

Hydra Change the way you think about Hull | 7 October 2009 | 2 A collaborative project between: – University of Hull – University of Virginia – Stanford University – Fedora Commons/DuraSpace – MediaShelf LLC Unfunded (in itself) – Activity based on identification of a common need Aim to work towards a reusable framework for multipurpose, multifunction, multi-institutional repository-enabled solutions Timeframe (but now extended indefinitely) Text Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 5

Fundamental Assumption #1 No single system can provide the full range of repository- based solutions for a given institution’s needs, …yet sustainable solutions require a common repository infrastructure. No single institution can resource the development of a full range of solutions on its own, …yet each needs the flexibility to tailor solutions to local demands and workflows. Fundamental Assumption #2 Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 6

A Worldwide Presence Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 7

Hydra Heads of Note Avalon & HydraDAM for Media Sufia BPL Digital Commonwealth UCSD DAMS See a full list at: Partners+and+Implementations Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 8

Hull Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 9

Hydra UK community Three UK Hydra Partners – University of Hull – London School of Economics (LSE) – University of York Others engaging in Hydra within the UK – University of Durham – Lancaster University – University of Oxford Developing a model of collaboration within the UK Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 10

Working together UK developments mirror Hydra initiative – None can do what they want all by themselves – All have some of the same and some different needs, requiring a common platform that can be adapted to suit local need Aim of Hydra UK is to identify and foster collaborative developments that we can all make use of Each site has development resource, but no more than 1FTE – Together we have a sizeable development team Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 11

Learning from Hydra Hydra UK will make use of existing Hydra developments where feasible to minimise duplication – For example, ORCID gem from Notre Dame Work carried out will be structured as gems and released back for others to use – For example, Hull has recently developed the irus_analytics gem to capture Counter-compliant repository download statistics All UK sites are encouraged to participate in Hydra community activities where feasible Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 12

Open Hull Research Services Team created in 2015 Focus on – Open Access management (mediated deposit) – Research data management support – Bibliometrics Metadata Officers are/were cataloguers – Bringing cataloguing skill to repository – Different workflows and systems challenging Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 13

Open Access advocacy Open sessions to explain Open Access and HEFCE policy Leaflets to pigeon holes – How to deposit – Link between OA and REF Pop-up banners – Display at food outlets! Departmental talks Trying to engender input from academics making successful use of Open Access Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 14

Open Access support Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 15

Senior level buy-in Open Access Working Group PVC Research and Enterprise – s at key points to all research staff Library attends University Research and Enterprise Committee – Reports on progress and need for engagement – Associate Deans for Research as key advocates VC included Open Access in Senate Away Day discussions HEFCE is useful stick, but also opportunity to raise awareness of why academic should engage in open access Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 16

OA funding RCUK grant – enough for ~12 papers Faculty/Departmental responsibility otherwise – No way to track these as yet Successful use made of retrospective COAF funding Springer offset deal is starting to make a difference – But needs assessment Trying alternative models through PeerJ and Sage to test author use of Gold Open Access Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 17

Deposit journey Currently do full mediated deposit Moving to self-deposit option via repository Longer term shift to full self-deposit via RIS Need to build up expectation of interaction with RIS – Working with Research Office and IT colleagues on rollout – Question of RIS/repository balance of roles Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 18

Lessons learned Get senior level buy-in OA needs more resource to do properly! Reaching out to institutional stakeholders will help embed Open Access longer-term Having Open Access and open scholarship in University Strategy will provide impetus Need HEFCE to be clearer about what they are willing to accept further down the line Hydra and open access | 12 May 2016 | 19

Thank you