Click to edit Master subtitle style Latest developments in the referencing process in Latvia: challenges and strong points Gunta Kinta Baiba Ramina Academic Information Centre NCP-VET-CO project fifth meeting March 2011 in Bucharest
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EQF Professional qualification levels 8 doctor professional qualification level 5 the highest qualification of a specialist in a field that enables the holder to plan and perform research and scientific work in the field 7 master 6 bachelor 5 college professional qualification level 4 theoretical and practical background that enables the holder to perform complicated tasks as well as to organise and manage others in their work 4 secondary school professional qualification level 3 advanced theoretical and professional background which enables the holder to fulfil certain tasks, including planning and organising work (various technicians, car mechanics, hotel service specialist etc.) professional qualification level 2 theoretical and practical background that allows the holder to perform qualified work independently (carpenter, hairdresser, cook, welder etc.) 3 basic school (9 grades) professional qualification level 1 theoretical and practical training that prepares students for performing simple tasks in a certain area of practical activity (assistant cook, carpenter etc.) 2 spec. educ. 1 spec. educ.
Click to edit Master subtitle style 2004 Established Bologna Process working group 2009 Established Working group by Latvian Rectors’ Council Established Steering group for referencing Descriptors for HE 2010 Descriptors for secondary level education Cabinet’s Regulations (in October) June 2011 Referencing report finalized Timetable
Click to edit Master subtitle style In 2004 – Bologna Process working group established by the Ministry of Education and Science Working group includes: o Higher Education Department of MoES o Higher Education Council o Latvian Rectors’ Council o Latvian ENIC/NARIC o Latvian Students’ Union o LLP Agency etc. Initiatives in HE
Click to edit Master subtitle style Defining specified levels for all types of HE qualifications setting the Bologna three cycle system Formulating general level descriptors based on learning outcomes for each qualifications type Defining specified admission requirements and further development for each qualification Arranging dissemination process (3 seminars, 2 conferences) Arranging consultation process on the draft Higher Education Law ( ) Activities of the Bologna Process working group
Click to edit Master subtitle style Updating level descriptors (EQF 5-8), based on EQF and Bologna descriptors, Bloom’s taxonomy Presenting them to higher education audience in October 2009 Descriptors approved by Higher Education Council Descriptors integrated in the Cabinet’s Regulations (October 2010) Activities of the Working group established by Latvian Rectors’ Council (2009)
Click to edit Master subtitle style Working groups for each type of qualification (experts from the State Education Content Centre) General descriptors elaborated (based on education standards, occupation standards, study subject standards) for: o general secondary education o vocational secondary education o vocational education o vocational basic education Descriptors integrated in the Cabinet’s Regulations (October 2010) Initiatives in secondary level education ( )
Click to edit Master subtitle style Launched website ( or Arranged meetings and discussions for vocational education related institutions National conference “Referencing Latvian education system to European Qualifications Framework” (February 2011) Coordinating national consultation process (March 2011) International EQF conference ( ) Supervising the preparation of the referencing report Presenting the results to the Steering group Activities of the Latvian NCP ( )
Click to edit Master subtitle style Ministry of Education and Science Latvian Chamber of Crafts Higher Education Council Academic Information Centre (NCP, ENIC/NARIC) Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia Employers’ Confederation of Latvia College Association Education Quality State Administration Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments Latvian Rectors’ Council Latvian Students’ Union State Education Content Centre Steering group (est. 2009)
Click to edit Master subtitle style First classification level Second classification level ISCED-97 EQF 1 st number of code Education stage 1 st and 2 nd number of code Education programme type Amendments in the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on the Latvian Education Classification (October 5, 2010) I
Click to edit Master subtitle style Basic education 2 nd stage 21 General education, basic education (1-9 grade) programmes 2A, 2B General education, basic education 2 nd stage (7-9 grade) programmes 2A, 2B3 26 General basic education pedagogical correction programmes (9 grade) 2A, 2B3 22 Vocational basic education, implemented without restriction of basic education. 2C3 20T Vocational continuing education (obtaining professional qualification level 2), implemented after completed or partially completed basic education 3 20P Professional improvement, implemented after basic education 3 20V Professionally orientated education implemented parallel to basic education (1-9 grade) programmes 3 Amendments in the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on the Latvian Education Classification (October 5, 2010) I
Click to edit Master subtitle style Secondary education 3 rd stage 31 General education (obtaining general secondary education), implemented after basic education. Duration – 3 years 3A, 3B4 32 Vocational education (obtaining professional qualification level 2) 3C4 33 Vocational secondary education (obtaining professional qualification level 3), implemented after basic education 3A, 3B4 35a Vocational education (obtaining professional qualification level 2), implemented after general secondary education 4B4 35b Vocational secondary education (obtaining professional qualification level 3), implemented after general secondary education 4 36 General education (obtaining general secondary education), continuation of vocational education. Duration – a year 4 30T Vocational continuing education (obtaining professional qualification level 2 or 3), implemented after general or vocational secondary education 4 30P Professional improvement, implemented after general or vocational secondary education 4 30V Professionally orientated education implemented parallel to general or vocational secondary education 2C4 Amendments in the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on the Latvian Education Classification (October 5, 2010) I
Click to edit Master subtitle style Discussions about the qualification placement in LQF EQF level 3 Vocational secondary education (3 years) qualifications Basic education and vocational basic education qualifications EQF level 4 General secondary education, vocational secondary education (4 years) and vocational education (3 years) General secondary education, vocational secondary education (4 years)
Click to edit Master subtitle style Disseminating information to various target groups Really implementing and using QF Showing society the added value of QF Main challenges in the referencing
Click to edit Master subtitle style Discussions among various stakeholders Support for qualification recognition for labour market ... Strong points in the referencing
Click to edit Master subtitle style Latest developments in the referencing process in Latvia: challenges and strong points Gunta Kinta Baiba Ramiņa Academic Information Centre NCP-VET-CO project fifth meeting March 2011 in Bucharest