Review SAB meeting 25 September 2015 Schiphol 12th GA meeting 18 November 2014 Rome.


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Presentation transcript:

Review SAB meeting 25 September 2015 Schiphol 12th GA meeting 18 November 2014 Rome

SAB Agenda  J-Age 2 (progress & implementing SRA)  First update of the SRA (D2.5)  Fast track Work & Productivity  Future SAB  Rules of Internal Order (RIO)  Role of SAB in JPI joint actions

Future SAB - Composition Max 16 members Expert of at least 1 of the 4 domains ( 3 to 4 per domain) GA proposes and selects members

Future SAB - selection overall  SAB members should have experience and understanding of Ageing research at large combined with proven experience with the multi/interdisciplinary approach to research should be leading  SAB should have a balanced presentation of relevant expertise (including research area’s) and geographically represent Europe.

Future SAB – selection criteria Scientific excellence and activity of the candidates performed at European/international level Experience and knowledge in order to assist the JPI MYBL to meet its goals including experience with interdisciplinary research Good representation of the four domains described in the SRA SAB members cannot be a member of the GA of JPI MYBL or the SOAB

Rules of Internal Order Separate RiOs for both boards including –Role of the secretariat –Composition of the board –Rules for rotation of members –Tasks to be performed by the board –Products of the board –Meetings –Conflict of Interest –Confidentiality/Transparency

Review SOAB meeting 26 September 2015 Brussels 12th GA meeting 18 November 2014 Rome

SOAB update_ Last meeting Last meeting 26 September 2014 (Brussels) –New members –Rules of Internal Order –Commenting H2020 Science with and for Society –Update on Fast Track –Plans for update of the SRA (D2.5.) –Joint stakeholder meeting

SOAB update_ New members 4 new members: –Confederation of Family Organisations in European Unions (COFACE) –European Network for Accessible Tourism ENAT –Design for All Foundation –European Regions Research and Innovation Network ERRIN Eurochambres left the SOAB

SOAB full memberlist Council of European Municipalities and Regions, chair Age Platform Europe, vice chair Design for All Foundation The Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union Eurocarers European Association for the Education of Adults European Network for Accessible Tourism European Regions Research and Innovation Network ERRIN European Social Network European Trade Union Confederation ETUC European Hospital and Health Care Federation HOPE Hospitality Europe Insurance Europe International Society for Gerontechnology Alexandre Sidorenko, Independent Policy Adviser

SOAB_ Joint stakeholder meeting Joint stakeholder meeting SOAB agreed to initiate a cooperation with SOABs of other JPIs by a workshop (March 2015?) Aims could be (to be agreed by SOABs) to exchange experiences to coordinate stakeholder input to JPIs to promote systematic stakeholder analysis in JPI frameworks and procedures to promote ”Science with and for Society” (SWAFS) EC (Krämer; SWAFS) indicated support

Next meeting Joint SAB/SOAB meeting 4-5 February 2015 ( lunch to lunch) Berlin  Prior to the Fast Track W&P final conference february 2015

WP2 Deliverables Del. no.Deliverable name Delivery date from Annex I Actual delivery dateStatus 2.1Five working groups reports submitted 2.2SAB report submitted 2.3SOAB report submitted 2.4SRA submitted 2.5 First update and final version of the SRA 30February 2014

D2.5 First Update of the SRA Ca. 20 page annex the SRA (dl Feb2015) Editorial group: Stephen McNair (SAB), Richard Tuffs (SOAB), Alexander Peine (SOAB), Wenke Apt (Fast Track) and Richard Pieper (WP2) No major text changes expected to current SRA.

D2.5 First Update of the SRA – draft outline 1.Introduction: Updating the SRA 2.Alignment of SRA with H2020 and Work Programme 2016/17 (source: e.g. statements to EC) 3.Scoping new R&D on Demographic Change for scientific and societal relevance in SRA (source: e.g. SAB/SOAB) 4.Implementing the SRA: Lessons learned (WP feedback) 5.Looking ahead (future in J-Age2) 6.Conclusion 7.Annex: References, Glossary

D2.5 First Update of the SRA Questionnaire to SAB and SOAB to get feedback (dl 20 Nov) –missing themes /topics from the point of view of their own expertise –new sources on DC relevant to SRA –consideration of alignment with H2020 / other EU First draft mid January, discussed in SAB/SOAB meetings in early Feb

Expert pool 69 working group members 6 external SAB members SOAB 2 fast tracks( scientist who participated)  Task WP5: construct the database and tag and identify missing disciplines/areas relevant for JPI  e.g JPND stakeholder database