Police Racial Targeting (The Force Singling Out Those Who are “Dangerous”) By: Jaida Samuels Media 180 Section 008
Living in America as a minority seems as though you become a police target for any crime committed. Anything done badly, the finger gets pointed at the person who looks “suspicious,” more often, one who is a minority.
Our justice system portray the police force as being fair and all about the law, but when race plays a role those rules are not in effect. Police seem to show no remorse when arresting those of certain races, mostly Hispanic and African Americans. They use all force, even if that person in innocent.
In the recent case of Trayvon Martin, who was victimized by racial profiling. He was thought to be a harmful person for the simple fact that he was of color and wearing a hoodie, which was considered “suspicious.”
In cases such as these where people are wrongfully killed the question is always asked, will justice ever be served to those who are victims of racial profiling? The police claim they are doing all they can to protect citizens, but are they?
The police force which is entrusted by our government, that should be out to protect citizens, are more so hurting those not apart of the majority rather than helping them.
The country as a whole should feel protected by those in uniform, not afraid of being wrongfully accused.
Being effected by racial profiling brings the idea of discrimination back. Many fought for their rights in this country and do not deserve to be falsely accused based on races and general appearances.
After all is said and done, the real question is, are police protecting society or racial targeting? We see them in action, but are they serving justice?
Souces 1) 2) police-in-schools/ police-in-schools/ 3) martin.html/ martin.html/ 4) 5) obama-met-with-members.htmlhttp://davidmquintana.blogspot.com/2010/05/president-barack- obama-met-with-members.html 6) 7) profiling1.jpghttp:// profiling1.jpg 8)