Leadership and Leadership of Learning (in interesting times) Jill Westerman
Northern College mission: ‘To provide outstanding adult residential and community education for the empowerment and transformation of individuals and communities’
Curriculum English and Maths ICT Humanities and Social Sciences Courses for groups e.g. Recovery groups, tenants, parents Trade Union Studies Childcare/Parenting Teacher Education (for a social purpose)
Students (2013/14) All over 19 Total enrolments over 5,000 Unemployed/unwaged 61% Declaring a learning difficulty or disability 33%Qualifications below Level 1 52% Success rates: - Full Level 3 91% -Whole College 95%
Reputation for Excellence Library and Learning Resource Centre – 2 national Beacon Awards (2006 & 2014) IiP (2014) ‘High commitment, high performance organisation’ Ofsted: Outstanding in all areas Outstanding in all areas with no areas for improvement – a first in the sector for this round. Adult Learners’ Week Tutor of the Year (Northern Region) - Adult Learner of the Year (National)
‘Inspirational leadership and governance have helped the college to realise its ambitious vision of providing outstanding adult residential and community education. As a consequence, it has helped to empower and transform the lives of individuals, families and communities’ – Ofsted 2014
What you are deeply passionate about What you can be the best in the world at What drives your economic engine
‘In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock’. Thomas Jefferson
Key point: A clear mission, shared culture and values across the learning community (students, staff and governors)
Leadership in a (permanent) crisis Heifetz, Grashow & Linsky Harvard Business Review (July-August 2009)
Foster Adaptation Avoid complex and detailed strategic plans. Run numerous experiments Embrace disequilibrium
The Northern College Strategic Plan Four key themes: Being outstanding: Teaching, Learning and student experience Making a difference: Impact Celebrating our identity and distinctiveness Securing the future: Sustainability
Generate leadership Create a culture of courageous communications - de-personalise conflict Leverage diversity Be both optimistic and realistic
Building leadership at all levels of the organisation, by developing capability and ensuring that overly complex structures do not impede the ability of individuals across the organisation to exercise leadership Leslie and Canwell (2010) ‘Leadership at all levels: leading public sector organisations in an age of austerity’
Key points: Openness to experimentation and strategic swerves Honesty without loss of hope Generate leadership at all levels A ‘no-blame’ culture
Pedagogical leadership Principal as leader of learning ‘Just suppose teaching and learning became the first priority’ Frank Coffield (2008) ‘Pedagogic Leadership’ 157 Group, Lucas and Claxton (2013)
How can Principals maximise their input on teaching and learning: 1.Leading Learning – modelling learning and shaping the conditions for all to learn on a continuous basis. 2.Change agency – moving people and organisations forward under difficult circumstances 3.System planning – contributing to and benefiting from the increased performance of organisations in the system as a whole. Michael Fullan (2014)
Community of Discovery Sharing of practice at staff meetings Observations - Developmental - Appreciative peer Peer review of materials (changing focus) Reading group CPD
Key points: Centrality of teaching and learning Be tenacious about improvement but only sweat the small stuff where it matters Listen to staff Encourage diversity Encourage reflection Set parameters and expectations, then give staff space Principal actively leads on teaching and learning.
‘ Inspirational tutors provide exceptional challenge and support which transforms the lives of students and their families’ Ofsted (2014)
Leading in volatile times: IoE report (2014) Overarching messages for FE Leaders: Know yourself, your values and what you’d resign for. Know your team and the organisational culture Engage staff in the change process and invite contrasting perspectives Model and create an inclusive, aspirational learning culture Be bold and rethink how you work Recognise that you and others will make mistakes Distribute and grow leadership at every level
CHANGE Confidence Health and Happiness Aspiration New thinking Getting involved Empowerment