Freedom Fighters
James Forten Father died when he was 7 & mother depended on him Bright & hard working Went to Anthony Benezet’s school until he was 9 Could read, write, & deal w/#’s 1 st Job-Benezet’s grocery store Worked on the docks Father was a sailmaker James learned this trade Philadelphia’s most successful & wealthiest sailmaker
Freedom Fighters James Forten age 14-Revolutionary war happening Wanted to be a part of it Heard the words “All men are created =” Signed up as a privateer on the Royal Louis Powder Boy Keep cannons supplied w/gunpowder Dangerous-Ships wooden & flammable Powder kept below deck-dry & less accidents Fast, energetic, & small Colonies had small navies Private ships were doing more damage to Brit. Congress permitted private ships to attack Brit. & kept any profits made
Freedom Fighters Forten’s 1 st voyage Royal Louis met a Brit. ship Awful fight, explosions, screams, & death Royal Louis captured the Brit. ship & brought it to Phil. Forten was treated like a hero Got a share of the profit-Brit. ship sold Repaired the ship & headed out
Freedom Fighters Forten’s 2 nd voyage Went after a Brit. ship 2 more Brit. ships showed up Royal Louis outnumbered & surrendered Forten & shipmates were prisoners on the Brit. ship Forten was worried Philadelphia=Free person Brit. Would sell A/A.A. prisoners to slave dealers in W. Indies Forten’s fate was undecided
Freedom Fighters Brit. ship capt. had a son Forten’s age When Forten was playing marbles-kid asked to play Forten beat him Forten was likable Ship capt.’s son asked his dad to take Forten to Eng. & free him Capt. would do it if Forten rejected his country Forten said he wouldn’t-He was an American Forten spent 7 mo. on the prison ship b4 a prisoner exchange 5,000/300,000 Am. soldiers were African/African-American
Freedom Fighters Some Africans/African-Americans helped the Brit. Brit. promised to free any A/A.A.-Left Patriot masters Slaves of Loyalist=Not promised freedom Not easy for slaves to escape Slaves punished w/lashings or other penalties Some A/A.A. slaves ran away & made it to Brit. camps Some captured by the Brit.
Freedom Fighters Southern white Am.’s didn’t want black ppl. to have guns Feared slave uprising Rule made-no A/A.A. could be in the Cont. army Free or slave G. Washington wanted an exception to this rule Free A/A.A. soldiers who have fought=allowed to reenlist Black ppl. were excluded Ppl. saw the policy as being wrong 1777-NE militias used A/A.A. soldiers & promised freedom
Freedom Fighters A/A.A. role in the Rev. war RI-2 regiments VA- A/A.A. & white soldiers fought side-by-side Most Southern states-river pilots & ship gunners 1778-Cont. army changed policy & enlisted A/A.A. soldiers GA & SC didn’t go along w/this John Laurens (SC) & Alexander Hamilton (NY)-change SC’s mind Didn’t work Why would A/A.A. fight for a nation that had slavery? War of equality & freedom was confusing
Freedom Fighters Equality sounded insane to some 18 th century world-Society was seen as a ladder Everyone had a certain place to stand Equality would knock the ladder down Everyone on the same level Many men & women not ready for the change Didn’t know your place Society would crumble Ladder would fall & society they knew would end
Freedom Fighters Equal rights was radical & wild Relationships would change & the world would change Wouldn’t happen over night
Freedom Fighters
James _________________ Father died when he was _____________ & mother depended on him Bright & hard ______________ Went to Anthony Benezet’s school until he was 9 Could ____________, _______________, & deal w/#’s 1 st Job-Benezet’s _______________ store Worked on the _______________ Father was a ____________________ James learned this trade Philadelphia’s most ____________________ & wealthiest sailmaker
Freedom Fighters James Forten age _________________-Revolutionary war happening Wanted to be a part of it Heard the words “All men are created _________________” Signed up as a privateer on the _______________ __________________ ________________ Boy Keep ___________________ supplied w/gunpowder Dangerous-Ships wooden & flammable Powder kept below deck-_________ & less accidents _______________, energetic, & small Colonies had small _________________ _______________ ships were doing more damage to Brit. Congress permitted private ships to attack Brit. & kept any _____________ made
Freedom Fighters Forten’s _______________ voyage Royal Louis met a ________________ ship Awful fight, ________________, screams, & death Royal Louis ________________ the Brit. ship & brought it to Phil. Forten was treated like a ____________ Got a share of the __________-Brit. ship sold __________________ the ship & headed out
Freedom Fighters Forten’s 2 nd voyage Went after a _____________ ship __________ more Brit. ships showed up Royal Louis outnumbered & _________________ Forten & shipmates were ___________________ on the Brit. ship Forten was _________________ Philadelphia=_____________ person Brit. Would __________ A/A.A. prisoners to slave dealers in W. Indies Forten’s fate was undecided
Freedom Fighters Brit. ship capt. had a __________ Forten’s age When Forten was playing ______________-kid asked to play Forten beat him Forten was ______________ Ship capt.’s son asked his dad to take Forten to Eng. & _____________ him Capt. would do it if Forten _____________________ his country Forten said he ______________-He was an _________________ Forten spent ____ mo. on the prison ship b4 a prisoner _______________ __________/300,000 Am. soldiers were African/African-American
Freedom Fighters Some A/A.A. helped the ________________ Brit. promised to free any A/A.A.-Left ____________ masters Slaves of Loyalist=________ promised freedom Not easy for slaves to escape Slaves punished w/______________ or other penalties Some A/A.A. ___________ ran away & made it to Brit. camps Some _________________ by the Brit.
Freedom Fighters _________________ white Am.’s didn’t want A/A.A. ppl. to have guns Feared slave _________________ Rule made-no A/A.A. could be in the ____________________ army Free or slave G. ___________________ wanted an exception to this rule Free A/A.A. soldiers who have fought=allowed to ____________ A/A.A. ppl. were excluded Ppl. saw the policy as being wrong ________-NE militias used A/A.A. soldiers & promised ________________
Freedom Fighters A/A.A. role in the Rev. war ________-2 regiments ________- A/A.A. & white soldiers fought side-by-side Most Southern states-river pilots & ship ____________ ____________-Cont. army changed policy & enlisted A/A.A. soldiers _________ & SC didn’t go along w/this John _________________ (SC) & Alexander __________________ (NY)-change SC’s mind Didn’t work Why would A/A.A. fight for a nation that had __________________? War of _________________ & freedom was confusing
Freedom Fighters Equality sounded _____________ to some 18 th century world-Society was seen as a _______________ Everyone had a certain place to ____________ Equality would knock the ladder down Everyone on the same ____________ Many men & women not ready for the __________ Didn’t know your place Society would ______________ Ladder would fall & ___________ they knew would end
Freedom Fighters Equal rights was ____________ & ________ __________________ would change & the world would change Wouldn’t happen over _____________
Freedom Fighters
James _________________ Father died when he was _____________ & mother depended on him Bright & hard ______________ Went to Anthony Benezet’s school until he was 9 Could ____________, _______________, & deal w/#’s 1 st Job-Benezet’s _______________ store Worked on the _______________ Father was a ____________________ James learned this trade Philadelphia’s most ____________________ & wealthiest sailmaker
Freedom Fighters James Forten age _________________-Revolutionary war happening Wanted to be a part of it Heard the words “All men are created _________________” Signed up as a privateer on the _______________ __________________ ________________ Boy Keep ___________________ supplied w/gunpowder Dangerous-Ships wooden & flammable Powder kept below deck-_________ & less accidents _______________, energetic, & small Colonies had small _________________ _______________ ships were doing more damage to Brit. Congress permitted private ships to attack Brit. & kept any _____________ made
Freedom Fighters Forten’s _______________ voyage Royal Louis met a ________________ ship Awful fight, ________________, screams, & death Royal Louis ________________ the Brit. ship & brought it to Phil. Forten was treated like a ____________ Got a share of the __________-Brit. ship sold __________________ the ship & headed out
Freedom Fighters Forten’s 2 nd voyage Went after a _____________ ship __________ more Brit. ships showed up Royal Louis outnumbered & _________________ Forten & shipmates were ___________________ on the Brit. ship Forten was _________________ Philadelphia=_____________ person Brit. Would __________ A/A.A. prisoners to slave dealers in W. Indies Forten’s fate was undecided
Freedom Fighters Brit. ship capt. had a __________ Forten’s age When Forten was playing ______________-kid asked to play Forten beat him Forten was ______________ Ship capt.’s son asked his dad to take Forten to Eng. & _____________ him Capt. would do it if Forten _____________________ his country Forten said he ______________-He was an _________________ Forten spent ____ mo. on the prison ship b4 a prisoner _______________ __________/300,000 Am. soldiers were African/African-American
Freedom Fighters Some A/A.A. helped the ________________ Brit. promised to free any A/A.A.-Left ____________ masters Slaves of Loyalist=________ promised freedom Not easy for slaves to escape Slaves punished w/______________ or other penalties Some A/A.A. ___________ ran away & made it to Brit. camps Some _________________ by the Brit.
Freedom Fighters _________________ white Am.’s didn’t want A/A.A. ppl. to have guns Feared slave _________________ Rule made-no A/A.A. could be in the ____________________ army Free or slave G. ___________________ wanted an exception to this rule Free A/A.A. soldiers who have fought=allowed to ____________ A/A.A. ppl. were excluded Ppl. saw the policy as being wrong ________-NE militias used A/A.A. soldiers & promised ________________
Freedom Fighters A/A.A. role in the Rev. war ________-2 regiments ________- A/A.A. & white soldiers fought side-by-side Most Southern states-river pilots & ship ____________ ____________-Cont. army changed policy & enlisted A/A.A. soldiers _________ & SC didn’t go along w/this John _________________ (SC) & Alexander __________________ (NY)-change SC’s mind Didn’t work Why would A/A.A. fight for a nation that had __________________? War of _________________ & freedom was confusing
Freedom Fighters Equality sounded _____________ to some 18 th century world-Society was seen as a _______________ Everyone had a certain place to ____________ Equality would knock the ladder down Everyone on the same ____________ Many men & women not ready for the __________ Didn’t know your place Society would ______________ Ladder would fall & ___________ they knew would end
Freedom Fighters Equal rights was ____________ & ________ __________________ would change & the world would change Wouldn’t happen over _____________