Technological Advances and the End of the War
Before the Civil War, infantry soldiers typically carried muskets that held just one bullet at a time. The range of these muskets was about 250 yards. However, a soldier trying to aim and shoot with any accuracy would have to stand much closer to his target, since the weapon’s “effective range” was only about 80 yards. Therefore, armies typically fought battles at a relatively close range. Weapons
Claude Minié invented a _____________________bullet with a diameter smaller than that of the rifle barrel. Soldiers could load these bullets _______________________, without the aid of _______________________or mallets. Rifles with Minié bullets were more __________________, and therefore deadlier, than muskets were, which forced _____________________to change the way they fought: Even troops who were far from the line of fire had to protect themselves by building elaborate trenches Weapons
New methods of communication were emerging at the time of the Civil War. ___________________________allowed people to see the war __________________________________on the battlefront. The ______________________allowed messages to be sent electrically over _______________________________. This was much ________________and more ___________________than sending messages by horse messenger. Other means of communication, such as __________________________________________, provided communication over short distances. Communication
Iron Clad Ships technology
The Merrimack originally one of _____________________________________________. However, it was captured by the Confederates. Union soldiers set the ship on fire, but the Confederates managed to save the hull of the ship. The confederates _________________the ship with a steam powered engine and iron armor. They renamed the ship the ____________________________. The Monitor Upon hearing about the South's new ironclad ship, the North hurried to ________________________________. With the help of inventor John Ericsson, the north quickly built the _________________. The Monitor was completely protected with iron armor. It only had two cannons, but these cannons were on a revolving turret, allowing them to be aimed _______________________at an enemy ship. Iron Clads
Prior to Surrender In early 1865, the Union Army began marching through the state of Virginia, pushing back the Confederate forces. In hopes of uniting with more Confederate troops in North Carolina, General Robert E. Lee and the Confederate Army _______________________________________________and _______________________. However, the Union Army soon cut off their retreat and they were forced to stop at Appomattox, Virginia. General Grant and the Union Army had the Confederates ___________________________________. The Confederates were ____________________________, many soldiers were deserting, and they were greatly outnumbered. Upon looking at the conditions and the odds, General Lee felt he had no choice but to ___________________. The End
The two Generals, Lee and Grant, met on April 9, 1865 to discuss the surrender __________________________________ General Grant came and met Lee at the McLean house in ____________________________. Grant had great respect for Lee and, before they got down to surrender terms, he actually made some small talk with Lee. Terms of Surrender General Grant had already discussed terms with President Lincoln. ________________________wanted peace to come to the Union and felt he needed to treat the Confederate soldiers such that they ___________________________________________________________ The terms of the surrender were generous: Confederate soldiers would have to ___________________ their rifles, but they could return home _____________________and keep their horses or mules. They were also given _____________________as many of them were very hungry. Surrender
Lets do the numbers