Core Biology Teacher- Mr. Quinn Classroom D205/D210 Year Goal- To achieve a credit for science and succeed at acquiring the highest possible grade for the course, as well as completing the AIMS exam at meets or exceeds standards.
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What is Biology? 1.) What characteristics do ALL livings things share? 2.) What are the 5 different types of living things found on Earth? 3.) What are 5 occupations that fall under the scope of Biology?
What Are We About to Encounter h?v=VgTPg99V_JM
Biology is Bio- meaning living ology- meaning the study of So Biology is the study of life
What does it take to be a living thing? 4&feature=fvwrel&NR=1
So to be living you need To be composed of cells To reproduce (sexually or asexually) To pass traits to offspring (DNA), otherwise known as heredity. To maintain a balanced environment (homeostasis) To obtain and use energy (metabolism) To grow and develop (maturation) To respond to changes around them (frost, disease)
Here is what they are 4&feature=fvwrel&NR=1
Areas to Study Problem solving and Answering Questions Through Scientific Investigation. Cells and their functions Homeostasis and maintaining a stable environment Cell Reproduction and Heredity Reproduction Strategies Populations and Specie Diversity History of Life and Evolution Ecology and the Interactions of Organisms
Biology Ecology/Interactions of Organisms Problem Solving/ Scientific Method Cells Homeosta sis DNA/Heredity Reproduction Strategies Population s History of Life/Evolution PlantsAnimals Bacteria/Disea se Fungi/Decompo sers Human Body Systems
Concept Map for the Year On the map you just copied from the previous slide. Attach all the different occupations you can think of that link to the themes that will be covered in Biology. Example: Veterinarian and animals